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Almia Moonwhisper TCG.jpg
Night elf inquisitor
Favored by

Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
GnomeGnome Gnome
GoblinGoblin Goblin
HumanHuman Human
Night elfNight elf Night elf
OrcOrc Orc
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
TaurenTauren Tauren
TrollTroll Troll

WorgenWorgen Worgen
Role(s) Healer, Tank, Melee DPS, Support
Specializations Cabalist, Occultist, Theurgist, Zealot
Resource(s) Mana
Primary attribute Intellect or Stamina
Weapon proficiency Bows, Crossbows, Guns, Dagger, Fist Weapon, One-handed Sword, Axe and Mace
Armor proficiency Cloth, Leather, Mail, Plate,
Skill(s) Uses various curses and shadow magic to destroy and debilitate foes, powerful healing magic to mend allies, each spec has unique abilities

In the long running battle of fighting fire with fire - in this case, battling darkness against the evil that is the heart of the Old Gods - the races of Azeroth have mastered the art of the Inquisitor, a plate wearing spellcaster that functions equally as well at a distance as well as in close combat. Inspired by the dark rangers that arose during the third war, the inquisitor is a new found hybrid class dedicated and designed to fight the terror in Northrend. Drawing from both the good and the bad that resides in every living person, inquisitors simply give in to darkness itself and manifests it into power, similarly to how modern day priests manipulate shadow magic to their benefit. They are not evil by nature, like some warlocks may be, choosing to walk the line of darkness on their own accord.

Inquisitors are a fierce hybrid class capable of performing multiple different roles. Although they are few they inspire awe and fear on the battlefield. Inquisitors wear plate armor at all times to protect them from the wear and tear of combat, and their quick, manipulative magic allows them to do so unhindered. Fighting at both a distance and up close the inquisitor wield deadly weapons to channel black magic into their foes or restore balance among allies in the thick of a fight. Inquisitor abilities are fueled by mana and have various ways to both consume and restore the resource quite similarly to other spellcasting classes.

The inquisitor has access to multiple different spells that are available only to specific specializations and augment their weapons, and subsequently their abilities, further solidifying their roles in a group or while fighting dangers alone. While the inquisitor can wear any type of armor they prefer plate the most to shield them in battle. As a base the class is restricted to ranged weapons; however, upon choosing the zealot specialization, players gain the ability to dual-wield any one-handed melee weapon in either hand, allowing them to fight in melee range.

Although primarily a ranged class the inquisitor has incredible potential in melee range with the Zealot specialization, a fanatic devotee that annihilates foes with quick blows and degenerative magic. However, the class excels when performing at a distance, preferring to sit back and bombard their target with destructive spells and curses and bolstering allies as best as possible. The Theurgist is specialized type of healer wielding a new breed of restorative magic, binding flesh to allies and mending their bones in an instant.

The inquisitor is featured in the Whispers of Madness expansion.

Class overview

Though they themselves may be new, the mentality and spirit of the inquisitor has always existed in the hearts of mortals. They are the men and women that have devoted themselves to darkness, tempting the very fabric of insanity itself. Madness is only one of the many things that threaten to consume the inquisitor, constantly being on the edge of being eaten alive by the very power they control. While most have been deemed outcasts, ridiculed for their supposed heinous choices in practicing black magics, few have managed to find their home hidden within the armies of the Horde and the Alliance. It is only as the world looks towards the north once more will the inquisitor finally find their place with their cursed weapons and their crooked hearts.

"Not many people understand the sacrifices we make. Unfortunately, not many of us do, either."


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Inquisitors are careful and calculating, taking time to truly size up their foes in a fight. They manipulate the ebb and flow of battle in their favor and take advantage of the unpredictability of combat. Along with mana, the inquisitor utilizes a resource known as Guile. Guile is represented by a purple bar that slowly builds up over time up to a maximum of 50. For every 1 Guile a inquisitor has, they gain 1% bonus damage and 0.5% bonus healing. Once at max, Guile slowly returns back to zero where it can be built up again.

The inquisitor gains 1 Guile for every 5 second he or she spends in combat. In addition, Guile can be gained through some effects.


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Although the shadowy art of the inquisitor is difficult to learn for some races, coming more easily to those who practice shadow arts such as the Forsaken and humans, everyone from blood elves to gnomes can take up the calling of the inquisitor. Like the death knight of the now, these modern day inquisitors are vastly different from their initial incarnations of the dark ranger. Instead of being risen from the dead and forced into service like the original dark rangers the inquisitors have instead have taken up the call on their own in the name of their beloved leaders in an effort to contribute to the war against the old gods.


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Like many of those that came before them, the inquisitors of today wield weapons that are small and easy to flourish, while also touting the same powerful ranged weapons used by marksmen the world over. These arms were used by the scouts and rogue magicians that became the first of the inquisitors. Many years and countless conflicts have proven without a doubt these are the tools that get the job done.


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For a full list of inquisitor abilities, see Inquisitor abilities

Damage dealing

Though technically a hybrid class, the inquisitor has a variety of damage dealing abilities at their disposal. They are also primarily a ranged class, with the exception of the Zealot specialization, which allows for the player to fight in melee range. The inquisitor wields several abilities that utilize a ranged weapon, specifically Dark Shot and Hydra Shot. However, most of the damage the inquisitor inflicts on enemies is magic based.


Inquisitors bear with them various forms of utility through the use of black magic. Their Chaos spell plants fear in the mind of their target, causing them to wander around aimlessly for a few seconds giving relief in the middle of combat. Other forms of supportive abilities exist in forms such as Suffocate, which interrupts the spellcasting of an enemy and Obscuring Shadows, which cloaks all nearby party and raid members in stealth for a brief time. The power of the inquisitor's utility only strengthens when picking a specialization, especially when the player chooses the Cabalist support spec.

Buffs and debuffs

At the disposal of the inquisitor are several powerful buffs and debuffs, although more so the latter than the former due to their chaotic nature. The inquisitor has a strong area of effect slow with Umbral Savagery allowing them to kite multiple enemies or disengage from a disadvantageous fight. They also have a disarm ability in the form of Disintegrate which destroys a target's weapon rendering it obsolete. On the supportive side the inquisitor has the Grace of the Night passive which increases the Mastery of nearby party and raid members.

Healing and survivability

Being a plate-wearing hybrid, the inquisitor has plenty of survivability thanks to their high base defensive statistics. The class has access to such basic healing spells as Somber Bloom and Bind Sinew to bolster allies in combat and keep themselves healthy while soloing through content. They also have multiple ways of keeping themselves alive through other means, such as Crushing Shadow, which deals damage and stealths the player, and Alabaster Skin, which removes all magical effects for a period of time.


For a full list of specialization abilities, see Inquisitor abilities

There are four Inquisitor specializations: Cabalist, Occultist, Theurgist, and Zealot.

  • Cabalist is a supportive spec that employs both various concoctions and black magic to help allies and harm enemies
  • Occultist is a tanking spec that revolves around summoning skeletal minions to absorb damage from enemies while bolstering their pets and destroying enemies
  • Theurgist is a healer spec using esoteric magic to restore the health of allies while also cursing allies with dark magic
  • Zealot is a DPS dual-wielding spec that focuses equally on melee attacks along with damage over time magic


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A medicinal expert that blends potions and tonics with devastating shadow magic and ranged attacks to both help allies and harm foes.

Cabalists are an odd breed of inquisitors that utilize specialized concoctions along with frequent attacks in the middle of battle to both deal damage to enemies and heal their allies. They mix potions and spells with ranged attacks from their weapon as they prefer standing far out of the way of combat. They also provide powerful buffs with their Draught spells and a strong debuff with the Cabalist's signature Scorn ability. Finally, they have a potent cooldown through Shroud of Death, removing beneficial effects and harmful effects from enemies and allies respectively.


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An esoteric protector that shields <his/her> allies from harm by keeping enemies at bay with <his/her> legion of loyal minions.

Occultists are magic-wielding, curse-bearing defensive specialists, using a unique pet system to summon stalwart skeletal minions that then tank various monsters for the player. They surge black magic into their enemies to destroy them from the inside out while their loyal pets take damage for them. The Occultist equally blends ranged attacks with devastating spells to perform their dedicated role as a tanking specialization. Wielding powerful attacks and benefitting especially from critical strikes the Occultist is a spec capable of dealing large amounts of damage while also being competent tanks.


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A mysterious mystic that grafts skin to bone and fells <his/her> enemies with dark curses.


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A daunting and fearless soldier of darkness that destroys <his/her> enemies with sharp strikes and black magic.


Like all classes, the inquisitor boasts a multitude of glyphs to augment themselves, changing the way they play and even altering aesthetics.


Glyph of Alabaster Skin - Reduces the cooldown and duration of Alabaster Skin by 50%.

Glyph of Bind Sinew - Your Bind Sinew instantly heals the target for 50% of the base heal, but the periodic healing is reduced by 35%.

Glyph of Chaos - Reduces pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Chaos by 70%.

Glyph of Crushing Shadow - Reduces the cooldown of Crushing Shadow by 10 seconds.

Glyph of Diffusion - Requires Zealot. Your Diffusion no longer has a cooldown, but it no longer retains its damage bonus.

Glyph of Eradicate - Requires Occultist. Increases the healing done by your Eradicate by 15%.

Glyph of Flesh and Blood - Your Bind Sinew has an 8% chance to spread to a nearby injured ally at full duration when it expires.

Glyph of Foreboding - Requires Cabalist. Successfully dealing damage with Scorn increasing the healing done by your next spell within 5 seconds by 30%.

Glyph of Eternal Torment - Your Eternal Torment also reduces the target's movement speed by 25% while active.

Glyph of Infectious Veins - Your Infectious Veins deals 30% more damage to targets that are slowed or stunned.

Glyph of Leaching - You are healed for 1% of your maximum health whenever your Infectious Veins deals critical damage.

Glyph of Obscuring Shadows - Increases the movement speed of all party and raid members affected by your Obscuring Shadows ability by 15%.

Glyph of Osteoporosis - Requires Occultist. Increases the damage done by your skeletal soldier by 10% but increases the damage it takes by 10%.

Glyph of Ossein Bulwark - Requires Occultist. Increases the damage absorbed by Ossein Bulwark by 20%, but causes it to only absorb magic damage.

Glyph of Premonition - Each stack of Premonition also increases your movement speed by 3%.

Glyph of Reaper's Might - Requires Zealot. Increases the damage and cooldown of Reaper's Cleave by 50%.

Glyph of Relentless Thaumaturgy - Increases the area of your Umbral Savagery by 100%.

Glyph of Sinew - Your Nightfall spell has a chance to increase the duration of your active Bind Sinew spells by 1 second.

Glyph of Scorn - Requires Cabalist. Reduces the cooldown of your Scorn by 2 seconds.

Glyph of the Soul - Requires Theurgist. Reduces the cooldown of Soulstorm by 30 seconds.

Glyph of Suffocate - Reduces the cooldown of your Suffocate when used to interrupt a target by 4 seconds.

Glyph of Thaumaturgy - Requires Theurgist. Reduces the cooldown and duration of Thaumaturgy by 20%.

Glyph of Umbral Savagery - Reduces the cooldown of Umbral Savagery by 3 seconds.

Glyph of Usurping - Reduces the global cooldown of your Usurp Flesh spell to 1 second.


Glyph of Alabaster - Your Alabaster Skin turns you a shade of white for the duration.

Glyph of Charm - Removes the penalty of Charm, but reduces the duration to 1 minute.

Glyph of Fortune Telling - Teaches you the spell Fortune Telling.

Fortune Telling: You peer into the target's future, determining their fate.

Glyph of Infection - Your Infectious Veins turns the target green when cast.

Glyph of the Laughing Skull - Your Somber Bloom criticals turn the target into a spooky skeleton for 1 second.

Glyph of Melancholy - Your Somber Bloom causes a slightly upset face to appear above the target.

Glyph of Necromancy - Requires Occultist. You summon a random undead creature of appropriate size instead of a skeleton.

Glyph of Pandemonium - Your Chaos causes the target to tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear.

Glyph of the Ranger - Your Dark Shot gives you a spiffy cloak and hood for a few seconds upon casting.

Glyph of Rushing Blood - Your Rush of Blood causes a shower of blood around you when activated. Ew.

Glyph of Tormenting - Your Eternal Torment summons a spectral scythe that follows the target around for a brief time.

Glyph of the Untraceable - Your Crushing Shadow hides you from the minimap for the duration.


Armed to the teeth with esoteric magic, Cabalists are inquisitors that blend mysterious philters and tonics while weaving cursed magic to their will. As a part of new war efforts, Cabalists step off the path of the traditional inquisitor in order to support their allies in various ways. Like the apothecaries and witch doctors of the world Cabalists employ personally crafted concoctions to aid them in their daily life.

A medicinal expert that blends potions and tonics with devastating shadow magic and ranged attacks to both help allies and harm foes.

Mastery: Mixology - Increases the effectiveness of your concoctions by 12%. Each point of Mastery increases the bonus by 4.8%.


The Cabalist is a spec that is always doing something. Once having applied Cursed Weapon: Eclipse, the player should start off any encounter by applying each philter ability to party or raid members - Hellrage Philter on melee classes, Mindedge Philter on spellcasters, and Windstep Philter on mobile players - using one on themselves if they so choose. After that, the Cabalist's main priority is applying and reapplying the Scorn debuff which deals periodic damage while simultaneously making enemies more susceptible to magic damage. From here on, the player then simply alternates between using Draught of Blackout and Draught of Pestilence on enemies for damage while casting Draught of Shadeweaving and Draught of Soulbinding on friendly allies to keep them topped off at full health. Players can fill their rotation with the various damaging abilities available to the class, although they most benefit from the Nightfall spell.


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Unavailable to players without first completing the Path of the Titans, the Occultist is a defensive specialist that keeps enemies at bay with a menagerie of loyal pets brought back from the dead. They protect their allies by keeping the attention of the monsters of the world through the use of minions they summon at will and and destroying them with vicious black magic.

An esoteric protector that shields allies from harm by keeping enemies at bay with a legion of loyal minions.

Mastery: Osteopathy - Increases the armor of your skeletal soldier by 18.6%. Each point of Mastery increases this bonus by 3.3%.


Although seemingly odd at first, the Occultist is actually quite simple. Their rotation starts upon using on of their signature abilities, Dark Shot or Hydra Shot. This spawns a skeletal soldier under the command of the player which then immediately taunts the player's current target. The way this specialization works is easy - by casting Blood Oath on a skeletal soldier, the player shares all damage taken by their minion, while their minion receives all healing and beneficial effects the player also receives. This allows healing classes to focus their attention on the true tank of the group - the player - as tradition. Aside from this, the occultist has available to them spells to help their skeletal soldier survive and do its job just like any tanking specialization does directly.

Along with its defensive capabilities, the Occultist specializes in manipulation and slowly withering enemies into nothingness. While the baseline abilities available to the class compliment the specialization well enough, the Occultist particularly enjoys instant cast spells such as Dark Shot and Infectious Veins to weave into their rotation.


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Grafting skin to bone and even changing the genetic makeup of their allies, Theurgists are an order of inquisitors dedicated to healing others and bringing them back from the brink of death. Their powerful and odd magic allow them to heal even the most grievous of wounds while their mysterious curses rain death down on enemies.

A mysterious mystic that challenges the battlefield unopposed grafting skin to bone and felling enemies with dark curses.

Mastery: Solace – Your beneficial spells have a 17% chance to grant you Solace, causing your next damaging spell or ability to shield the nearest low health ally for 63% of the damage done. Each point of Mastery increases each bonus by 2.4%.

Active Abilities

Caliginosity - Release a burst of dark energy all around you, healing all nearby allies by 5,592 to 6,354 and dealing 5,149 to 5,624 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. 8 second cooldown.

Cursed Weapon: Anguish - Place an enchanted curse on your weapon, causing 15% of all damage you deal to heal a nearby ally and increasing all damage you deal by 10%.

Death Trance - Slip into a death trance, reducing the mana cost of your next healing spell by 25% and causing it to be a critical. 45 second cooldown.

Flash of Darkness - Surge darkness into the target, restoring 4,943 to 5,467 health.

Glial Reconstruction - Alter the genetic makeup of your target, increasing all healing received from you by 10%. Glial Reconstruction lasts 1 hour.

Somatic Reconstitution - Heal the target with a burst of dark energy, restoring 6,729 to 7,213 health. Good for periods of heavy damage.

Soulstorm - Summon a swarm of souls around you for 15 seconds, increasing the healing all nearby party and raid members receive from you by 15%. Whenever you heal a target, the souls will heal an additional nearby ally with the lowest health percentage by 100% of the healing done. 3 minute cooldown.

Thaumaturgy - Predict the target's demise, dealing 6,301 Shadow damage after 8 seconds. 12 second cooldown.

Passive Abilities

Black Arts - Increases your mana pool by 400%. Increases all healing done by 15%.

Increases healing done to allies under 50% health by an additional 10%.

Allows 50% of your mana regeneration from Spirit to continue while in combat.

Increases the damage of Nightfall and Infectious Veins by 20%, and reduces the cast time of Nightfall by .5 seconds.

Creeping Dawn - Healing a friendly target has a 15% chance to summon an uncontrollable spirit. The spirit then seeks out a nearby injured ally, healing them for 75% of the initial healing done and granting you 5 Guile.

Dealing damage to an enemy has a 15% chance to summon an uncontrollable spirit. The spirit then seeks out a nearby enemy you are in combat with, damaging them for 75% of the initial damage done and restoring 5% of your base mana.

These effects share a 6 second cooldown.

Exsanguinate - Increases the mana gained from your Rush of Blood by 50%.

Mollify - Your Allay spell now also dispels Magic effects.

Plate Specialization - Increases your Intellect by 5% while wearing only Plate armor.

Ritual of Blood - Increases the healing done by Cursed Weapon: Anguish generated from periodic damage by an additional 50% and your Thaumaturgy spell by an additional 100%, and reduces the global cooldown of Bind Sinew by .5 seconds.

Witchcraft - You continue to auto-attack while casting spells.

Witching Hour - Your Caliginosity spreads any active Bind Sinew on the target to all nearby allies within 15 yds at full duration.


The Theurgist is a true jack-of-all-trades. While their true role is that of a healer, only by appropriately adding harmful abilities into their rotation can a player truly master this odd specialization. By manipulating both regenerative and destructive magic the Theurgist both heals allies from the brink of death while destroying enemies from the inside out. While not keeping party and raid members out of danger with their potent dark magic they do what inquisitors do best; destroy. Through the use of the Cursed Weapon: Anguish spell, all damage the player does will also heal a nearby ally. This healing is greatly amplified when it is applied through periodic damage or the spec's signature ability, Thaumaturgy.


Draxel Hellforge, leader of orc inquisitors

The Zealot, forgoing the way of the ranged weapon entirely, is a ruthless melee combatant that employs deadly flourishes and hallucinative magic to destroy enemies. Relying not on brute strength but rather intellect and precise decisions on the battlefield, the zealot draws power from deep within themselves.

A daunting and fearless soldier of darkness that destroys enemies with sharp strikes and black magic.

Mastery: Madness – Your damage-over-time abilities increase your auto-attack damage by 12% for 5 seconds and causes your auto-attacks to deal an additional 4% as Shadow damage. Each point of Mastery increases each bonus by 3.2%.

Active Abilities

Apotheosis - Infuse yourself with evil magic, increasing all magic damage done by 50% and reducing the cooldown of Crepuscule Slash and Twilight Slash by half. Lasts 10 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.

Crepuscule Slash - Slash the target with darkness, dealing 5,223 physical damage plus 100% weapon damage as Shadow. Shares a cooldown with Reaper's Cleave.

Diffusion - Your next Enervation or Nightfall spell will be instant and deal 10% more damage. 20 second cooldown.

Hypnotic Gaze - Put the target to sleep, stunning them for 3 seconds.

Indomitable Will - Purge yourself of 1 movement impairing effect.

Leap of Shade - Leap from the shadows and attack your target, dealing 105% weapon damage. 12 second cooldown.

Nightmare - Infect the target with a nightmare, dealing Shadow damage over 6 seconds. Nightmare deals 50% additional damage to sleeping targets.

Reaper's Cleave - Cleave the target, dealing 85% weapon damage to the target and all nearby enemies. Shares a cooldown with Crepuscule Slash.

Twilight Slash - Slash at the target with both weapons, dealing 125% weapon damage plus 4,989 as Shadow.

If Twilight Slash hits a sleeping target, it deals 30% additional damage, and its cooldown is reduced by 1 second.

Passive Abilities

Antipathy - You deal 20% more damage to targets below 35% health.

Blackened Heart - While at or above 15 Guile you gain the Blackened Heart effect, increasing all periodic damage you deal by 15%.

Hand of Darkness - Increases the damage of Nightmare by 200%, and reduces the cooldown of Nightmare by 3 seconds.

Insanity - Auto-attacks and melee abilities generate Insanity, up to a cap of 100. For each Insanity you have you gain a 1% bonus bonus to all spell damage.

Starting at 50 Insanity your single target spells affect the target with Hallucinations, reducing all damage done by 10% and causing all spells to behave as if the target was asleep. Hallucinations lasts 10 seconds.

Upon reaching maximum Insanity it disperses, resetting back to 0 and granting you 20 Guile.

Living Nihility - Allows you to dual-wield any one-handed weapon.

Increases your attack power by 150% of your spell power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of attack power. Reduces the global cooldown on all your abilities to 1 second.

Your auto-attacks have a 40% chance to instantly restore 5% of your base mana.

Reduces the cooldown of Eternal Torment by 5 seconds and the cooldown of Crushing Shadow by 10 seconds.

Order in Chaos - Your auto-attacks extend the duration of Nightmare by 1 second, up to a maximum of 6 additional seconds.

Plate Specialization - Increases your Intellect by 5% while wearing only Plate armor.

Suffering - Victims of your Chaos spell are affected by Suffering when the effect ends, slowing them by 40% for 6 seconds.