Cataclysm map comparison

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This article displays all the zone maps in zones affected by the Cataclysm. New zones and battlegrounds are listed first, followed by the continent and flight path maps, and then by the zones in the three regions of each continent: Lordaeron, Khaz Modan and Azeroth for the Eastern Kingdoms, and Northern, Central and Southern Kalimdor for Kalimdor.

This article does not cover instance maps. They can be found on their own page.

An alphabetic list of each zone on Azeroth is displayed here. Simply click on the desired zone to be taken directly to the relevant map. Click the back button to return to the navigation. Zones that are listed but not linked — the Azerothian zones introduced in Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King — have not had or are not expected to display any changes to their zone maps.

Abyssal Depths · AhnQiraj: The Fallen Kingdom · Alterac Mountains · Arathi Highlands · Ashenvale · Azshara · Azuremyst Isle · Badlands · Barrens · Battle for Gilneas · Blasted Lands · Bloodmyst Isle · Burning Steppes · Darkshore · Darnassus · Deadwind Pass · Deepholm · Desolace · Dun Morogh · Durotar · Duskwood · Dustwallow Marsh · Eastern Plaguelands · Elwynn Forest · Eversong Woods · Exodar · Felwood · Feralas · Ghostlands · Gilneas · Hillsbrad Foothills · Hinterlands · Ironforge · Isle of Quel'Danas · Kelp'thar Forest · Loch Modan · Maelstrom · Molten Front · Moonglade · Mount Hyjal · Mulgore · Orgrimmar · Redridge Mountains · Scarlet Enclave · Searing Gorge · Shimmering Expanse · Silithus · Silvermoon City · Silverpine Forest · Stonetalon Mountains · Stormwind City · Stranglethorn Vale · Swamp of Sorrows · Tanaris · Teldrassil · Thousand Needles · Thunder Bluff · Tirisfal Glades · Tol Barad · Twilight Highlands · Uldum · Undercity · Un'Goro Crater · Vashj'ir · Western Plaguelands · Westfall · Wetlands · Winterspring

New zones

Zone Map(s)
Abyssal Depths WorldMap-VashjirDepths.jpg
Battle for Gilneas WorldMap-GilneasBattleground2.jpg
Deepholm WorldMap-Deepholm.jpg
Gilneas City WorldMap-GilneasCity.jpg
Gilneas WorldMap-Gilneas.jpg WorldMap-Gilneas terrain1.jpg
Kelp'thar Forest WorldMap-VashjirKelpForest.jpg
Kezan WorldMap-Kezan.jpg
Lost Isles WorldMap-TheLostIsles.jpg WorldMap-TheLostIsles terrain1.jpg
WorldMap-TheLostIsles terrain2.jpg
Maelstrom WorldMap-TheMaelstrom.jpg
Molten Front WorldMap-MoltenFront.jpg
Mount Hyjal WorldMap-Hyjal terrain1.jpg WorldMap-Hyjal.jpg
Ruins of Gilneas WorldMap-RuinsOfGilneas-GilneasPuzzle.jpg
Shimmering Expanse WorldMap-VashjirRuins.jpg
Tol Barad WorldMap-TolBaradDailyArea.jpg WorldMap-TolBarad.jpg
Twin Peaks WorldMap-TwinPeaks.jpg
Twilight Highlands WorldMap-TwilightHighlands Terrain1.jpg WorldMap-TwilightHighlands.jpg
Uldum WorldMap-Uldum.jpg WorldMap-Uldum terrain1.jpg
Vashj'ir WorldMap-Vashjir.jpg

Continents and flight paths

Zone Before After
Azeroth WorldMap-World-old3.jpg WorldMap-World-old4.jpg
Eastern Kingdoms WorldMap-Azeroth-2.4.jpg WorldMap-Azeroth.jpg
Kalimdor WorldMap-Kalimdor-old1.jpg WorldMap-Kalimdor-old2.jpg
Maelstrom N/A WorldMap-TheMaelstromContinent.jpg
Eastern Kingdoms Alliance TAXIMAP0.png Cata Alliance EK flights.jpg
Eastern Kingdoms Horde Flightpoints horde eastern.png Cata Horde Eastern Kingdoms flights.jpg
Kalimdor Alliance TAXIMAP1.png Cata Alliance Kalimdor flights.jpg
Kalimdor Horde Flightpoints horde kalimdor.png Cata Horde Kalimdor flights.jpg

Eastern Kingdoms


Zone Before After
Alterac Mountains WorldMap-Alterac-old.jpg See "Hillsbrad Foothills"
See also Cataclysm beta version
Arathi Highlands WorldMap-Arathi-old.jpg WorldMap-Arathi.jpg
Eastern Plaguelands WorldMap-EasternPlaguelands-old.jpg WorldMap-EasternPlaguelands.jpg
Gilneas See "new zones"
Hillsbrad Foothills WorldMap-Hillsbrad.jpg WorldMap-HillsbradFoothills.jpg
Hinterlands WorldMap-Hinterlands-old.jpg WorldMap-Hinterlands.jpg
Silverpine Forest WorldMap-Silverpine-old.jpg WorldMap-Silverpine.jpg
Tirisfal Glades WorldMap-Tirisfal-old.jpg WorldMap-Tirisfal.jpg
Undercity WorldMap-Undercity-old.jpg WorldMap-Undercity.jpg
Western Plaguelands WorldMap-WesternPlaguelands-old.jpg WorldMap-WesternPlaguelands.jpg

Khaz Modan

Zone Before After
Badlands WorldMap-Badlands-old.jpg WorldMap-Badlands.jpg
Burning Steppes WorldMap-BurningSteppes-old.jpg WorldMap-BurningSteppes.jpg
Dun Morogh WorldMap-DunMorogh-old.jpg WorldMap-DunMorogh.jpg
Ironforge WorldMap-Ironforge-old.jpg WorldMap-Ironforge.jpg
Loch Modan WorldMap-LochModan-old.jpg WorldMap-LochModan.jpg
Searing Gorge WorldMap-SearingGorge-1.5.jpg WorldMap-SearingGorge.jpg
Twilight Highlands See "new zones"
Wetlands WorldMap-Wetlands-old.jpg WorldMap-Wetlands.jpg


Zone Before After
Blasted Lands WorldMap-BlastedLands-old.jpg WorldMap-BlastedLands.jpg
Deadwind Pass WorldMap-DeadwindPass-old.jpg WorldMap-DeadwindPass.jpg
Duskwood WorldMap-Duskwood-old.jpg WorldMap-Duskwood.jpg
Elwynn Forest WorldMap-Elwynn-old.jpg WorldMap-Elwynn.jpg
Redridge Mountains WorldMap-Redridge-old.jpg WorldMap-Redridge.jpg
Stormwind City WorldMap-Stormwind.jpg WorldMap-StormwindCity-old3.jpg
Stranglethorn Vale WorldMap-Stranglethorn.jpg WorldMap-StranglethornJungle.jpg
Swamp of Sorrows WorldMap-SwampOfSorrows-old.jpg WorldMap-SwampOfSorrows.jpg
Westfall WorldMap-Westfall-old.jpg WorldMap-Westfall.jpg


Northern Kalimdor

Zone Before After
Ashenvale WorldMap-Ashenvale-old.jpg WorldMap-Ashenvale.jpg
Azshara WorldMap-Aszhara-old.jpg WorldMap-Aszhara.jpg
Darkshore WorldMap-Darkshore-old.jpg WorldMap-Darkshore.jpg
Darnassus WorldMap-DARNASSIS.jpg WorldMap-Darnassus.jpg
Felwood WorldMap-Felwood-old.jpg WorldMap-Felwood.jpg
Mount Hyjal See "new zones"
Moonglade WorldMap-Moonglade-old.jpg WorldMap-Moonglade.jpg
Teldrassil WorldMap-Teldrassil-old.jpg WorldMap-Teldrassil.jpg
Winterspring WorldMap-Winterspring-old.jpg WorldMap-Winterspring.jpg

Central Kalimdor

Zone Before After
Barrens WorldMap-Barrens-old.jpg WorldMap-NorthernBarrens-old.jpg
Desolace WorldMap-Desolace-old.jpg WorldMap-Desolace.jpg
Durotar WorldMap-Durotar-old.jpg WorldMap-Durotar-old1.jpg
Dustwallow Marsh WorldMap-Dustwallow-old1.jpg WorldMap-Dustwallow.jpg
Mulgore WorldMap-Mulgore-old.jpg WorldMap-Mulgore.jpg
Orgrimmar WorldMap-Ogrimmar.jpg WorldMap-Orgrimmar-old.jpg
Stonetalon Mountains WorldMap-StonetalonMountains-old.jpg WorldMap-StonetalonMountains.jpg
Thunder Bluff WorldMap-ThunderBluff-old1.jpg WorldMap-ThunderBluff.jpg

Southern Kalimdor

Zone Before After
Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom N/A WorldMap-AhnQirajTheFallenKingdom.jpg
Feralas WorldMap-Feralas-old.jpg WorldMap-Feralas.jpg
Silithus WorldMap-Silithus-old1.jpg WorldMap-Silithus.jpg
Tanaris WorldMap-Tanaris-old.jpg WorldMap-Tanaris.jpg
Thousand Needles WorldMap-ThousandNeedles-old.jpg WorldMap-ThousandNeedles.jpg
Uldum See "new zones"
Un'Goro Crater WorldMap-UngoroCrater-old.jpg WorldMap-UngoroCrater.jpg

See also