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Horde Ragefire Chasm
Ragefire Chasm loading screen.jpg
Races IconSmall Orc Male.gifIconSmall Orc Female.gif Orc

IconSmall Trogg.gif Trogg

Location Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar
Level range 13-22 (8 minimum)
Enemy levels 13-16
Group Size 5-man
Run time 1 hour

Ragefire Chasm is an instance dungeon located underneath the orc capital city, Orgrimmar. The entry portal is in the Cleft of Shadow, next to the warlock Neeru Fireblade's tent. The lava-filled chasm is home to many hostile troggs, and followers of the Burning Blade have also recently began poking around the area.

This is one of the shortest instances in the game, and of the easiest difficulty. For many Horde players, this will be their first instance. Why not check out the Instance Grouping Guide for some helpful hints?


Ragefire Chasm was first discovered by Chief Goblin Engineer Gazlowe, during Rexxar's visit to Orgrimmar. Beneath the city of Orgrimmar lies this fiery chasm. Recently, a clan of troggs known as Ragefire Troggs have begun to appear in the chasm, from deep below the lava-filled tunnels. Magatha the Seer, of the tauren people, attempted to make peace with these creatures, but was met only with hostility. It was clear that these troggs were not interested in diplomacy, and could potentially overwhelm the entire Horde if left unchecked.

A sect of the mysterious Shadow Council has also taken refuge in this chasm. This sect is known as the Searing Blade, and is led by Taragaman the Hungerer, a felguard; Jergosh the Invoker, a powerful warlock; and Bazzalan, a satyr. From their dark hiding place, they plot to overthrow and destroy all that the Horde has built for themselves in these lands.

From the World Dungeons page on the official World of Warcraft Community Site:

Ragefire Chasm consists of a network of volcanic caverns that lie below the orcs' new capital city of Orgrimmar. Recently, rumors have spread that a cult loyal to the demonic Shadow Council has taken up residence within the Chasm's fiery depths. This cult, known as the Burning Blade, threatens the very sovereignty of Durotar. Many believe that the orc Warchief, Thrall, is aware of the Blade's existence and has chosen not to destroy it in the hopes that its members might lead him straight to the Shadow Council. Either way, the dark powers emanating from Ragefire Chasm could undo all that the orcs have fought to attain.


Ragefire Chasm is a large underground cave complex, located deep under Orgrimmar. Traversing the instance requires crossing several bridges over lava, passing through huge caverns with multiple pools of molten rock, and climbing cliffs overlooking yet more lava. No vegetation survives here, and the only creatures who make it their permanent home are rock elementals, earth borers, and the troggs. In addition, the Chasm is not known to have any useful minerals or metals.


A map of Ragefire Chasm

E. Entrance to the instance from the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar
1. Maur Grimtotem and Oggleflint
2. Taragaman the Hungerer
3. Jergosh the Invoker
4. Bazzalan

  • WoW-Pro Map with bosses, quest objectives, and paths to reach them pointed out.


All Ragefire Chasm quests save for H [16D] Hidden Enemies can be shared. The hidden enemies quests are part of a chain which involves questing in Durotar. The first quest in the chain is Hidden Enemies (quest), which can be acquired from Thrall in his throne room in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar. Also, blood elf paladins now have a quest in Ragefire Chasm.

Quest name Quest giver Zone location
Horde Horde Quests
H [16D] Hidden Enemies IconSmall Orc Male.gifHorde Thrall Grommash Hold, Orgrimmar
H [15D] Testing an Enemy's Strength IconSmall Tauren Male.gifHorde Rahauro Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff
H [16D] Searching for the Lost Satchel
  H [16D] Returning the Lost Satchel
IconSmall Tauren Male.gifHorde Rahauro
Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff
H [16D] The Power to Destroy... IconSmall Dreadlord.gifHorde Varimathras Royal Quarter, Undercity
H [16D] Slaying the Beast IconSmall Orc Male.gifHorde Neeru Fireblade Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar
Neutral Class Specific
H IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngIconSmall BloodElf Female.png Paladin [23D] The Path of the Adept IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngHorde Knight-Lord Bloodvalor Farstriders' Square, Silvermoon


As it is the lowest level instance in the game, Ragefire Chasm doesn't have much behind it in terms of being long, or having the best loot. This instance is pretty much easy experience and a good introduction to the instance system for those who are unfamiliar with it.


The group that you bring with you into the Chasm really shouldn't affect your ability to complete the instance. As long as you have a good leveled batch of players, there is little to stop you in this instance. Definitely bring a healer along though, as you will need to make sure characters don't die. It's a long walk from the graveyard outside Orgrimmar back to the Cleft of Shadow. Keep in mind that all the mobs in the Ragefire Chasm are elite and much more powerful then your average mob. It will take teamwork to defeat these enemies, as is key with any instance.

The Chasm

After some initial elemental mobs, you will be forced to fight the troggs of the instance. These mobs should give you little difficulty and are quite farmable for the relevant quest (Testing an Enemy's Strength). Just be sure not to pull too many at the same time, or things could get hairy. Once you fight your way up to the top of the western ledge of troggs you will find the body of Maur Grimtotem who will allow you to complete another quest.

Upon dealing with the troggs you can continue through the instance to another batch of elemental mobs. These enemies are fairly easy if pulled in small groups of 1 to 2, once dealt with you can begin work on fighting the Searing Blade cultists. Be sure to kill as many of the cultists as possible if you are doing the quest H [16D] The Power to Destroy..., as these mobs will drop the books required. These mobs usually come in pulls of 2 to 3, and will require coordination to effectively deal with.

Once you’ve cleared your way to the massive demon standing in the middle of the lake of lava, you can engage one of the powerful bosses of this instance; Taragaman the Hungerer. This boss is fairly easy to deal with, and once you have effectively engaged with a melee tank, DPS will bring him down quickly. He hits harder than anything else in the instance, though, and has an uppercut that can hit you into other mobs or the lava, as well as a Blast Wave attack that has an annoying tendency of killing Imp pets that get too close. Once killed, be sure to loot his heart to complete the quest.

Once you are finished battling against the demon, the next two targets will be the leaders of the Searing Blade; Bazzalan, and Jergosh the Invoker. Jergosh is located just ahead of where Taragaman was, while Bazzalan is located up the adjacent walkway, right above Jergosh.

Both of these mobs are straightforward fights as long as you do not drag any additional enemies into the fray. Once they are slain, the instance is effectively over and you can return to the entrance. As long as you didn't run the instance in a marginal group it shouldn't have taken you more than an hour. Not bad for an instance with five quests and a large number of green drops.

External links


Notable mob loot

Taragaman the Hungerer:

Jergosh the Invoker:

Notable quest rewards

Final quest in the H [16D] Hidden Enemies chain:

H [16D] Returning the Lost Satchel:

H [16D] The Power to Destroy...:

Final quest in the H IconSmall BloodElf Male.pngIconSmall BloodElf Female.png Paladin [23D] The Path of the Adept chain:

Dungeon denizens