User:Grihm Bloodtusk
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Player-Created Characters
Adelaide Cooper, Rogue
Alantiaara, Draenei Priestess of the Aldor
Amawra Houlein, Gilnean Mage
Antioch Skysmiter, Lord of the Orion's Belt Clan
Antoine the Forgiver, Paladin of the Order of the Silver Hand
Arthur Hordebane, Left-Hand of the Orion's Belt Clan
Ashjlek, Draenei Paladin
Ataladar Shimmerdawn, Right-Hand of the Orion's Belt Clan
Beirdy Silkbeard, Dwarven Paladin
Belchius Smellyfootini, unsuccessful Human thief
Blarblar Bleeblee, Human Priestess
Burlbeard Stonehammer, Enforcer of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition I
Burpina Smellyfootini, Ignorant Human thief
Caatulos, Draenei Hunter
Camomile Brooks, Adventuring Mage
Caylvane Whisperstalk, Kaldorei Huntress
Danth Steadyshot, Dwarven Hunter
Delates Skyshadow, Kal'dorei Hunter
Delle, Human Paladin
Denton Skysmiter, Secret Soldier of the Orion's Belt Clan
Faido Houlein, Gilnean Druid of the Wild
Fartham Smellyfootini, unsuccessful Human thief
Fayelin Sputtersteam, Gnome Warrior
Fernlace Featherwing, Druid of the Wild
George Vardus, Adventurer
Gilder Sputtertilt, Dalaran Mage
Gryndr Nuubdasher, Former Gnomeregan Hero
Guer'fran the Conquerer, Unsung Hero
Hratta, Draenei Paladin
Haugho, Dwarf Hunter
Jorda Bronzehammer, Paladin of the Order of the Silver Hand
Kara, Dragonwatcher
Kymmuuniis, Draenei Priestess
Lansis Stargazer, Founder of the Orion's Belt Clan
"Lobsterbank", Treasurer of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition II
Magni Thunderhammer
Marioi Beardchewer, Dragonwatcher
Methodium Bronzehammer, Warrior
Modi Thunderhammer
Mogr Bronzehammer, Secluded Hermit
Myucka Crusthorn, Draenei Mage
Nashava, Studying Shaman
Ninilchik, Draenei Hunter
Noirren Melosus, Admiral of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition I
Odin Thunderhammer
Ogargi, the Horde Betrayer
Asmodel "Pocket Knight" Stammervalve, Leader of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition II
Pukerheim Smellyfootini, unsuccessful Human thief
Putchkia, Draenei Mage
Raleign Darkmoore, Noble Soldier of Gilneas
Robert Quertass, Adventurer
Samuel Dodson, Adventurer
Selaph Marie, Knight of the Silver Hand
Shadowspark, Assassin of the Orion's Belt Clan
Smelifaysfut McTinkerknutz, Ignorant Gnome warrior
Sphammi Crusthorn, Draenei Huntress
Sprockett Slidevalve, Warrior
Thor Thunderhammer, Warrior
Throd Thunderhammer
Thundvalt Bronzehammer, Priest
Triselly Sputtersteam, Gnome Rogue
Trö Sturnbatch, Dalaran Mage
Twisti Tinkgear, Rogue
Ulriel Fadeleaf, Angry Kaldorei Rogue
Valendra Dewwhisper, Druid of the Wild
Verdra Melinni, Human Priestess
Vicia, Dwarven Paladin
Vivica Darkmoore, Paladin of the Order of the Silver Hand
Vorosha, Hunter
Weepwillow Whisperlin, Kaldorei Druid
Wenikee Gizzlesprocket, Crewmember of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition I
Wrenchyn Crankshaft, Warrior
Xaerius Darkmoore, Cursed Paladin of the Order of the Silver Hand
Zella, Dragonwatcher
Zimmer, Dragonwatcher
Angore, Spirit Walker of the Crimson Fang Clan
Artax, Former Crew of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition I
Blurph Bloodriver, Sindorei Highwayman
Charity, Former Crew of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition I
Chesna, Shaman
Daeriun Adams, Shadow Priest
Darvis Demalier, Former Hunter of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition I
Dookyhatt Sludgemirror, Sindorei Priestess
Dursh, Hunter of the Crimson Fang Clan
Elyssia, Formerly-Exiled Dalaran Mage
Gorax Headcrusher, Blackrock Clan General
Gral'zosh Stormclaw, Grihm Bloodtusk's Grandfather
Gratul Lamefoot, Chief Advisor of the Crimson Fang Clan
Gregor, Former Mage of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition I
Grihm Bloodtusk, Chieftain of the Crimson Fang Clan
Gromgul, Warsong Clan General
Grunj, Goblin Hunter
Guldon, Orc Warlock
Gwagg Bloodriver, Sindorei Highwayman
Hakakoka, Orc Shaman
Hammerpaw, Tauren Druid
Harbinger, Darvis' pet bear
Janemba, Jungle Troll Witch Doctor
Jertrana Ragefever, Hermit & Ex-Spearwoman
Kagg, Son of Lokruk
Kala'thas Bloodriver, Blood Knight
Khoriandr, Sin'dorei Hunter
Lancaster, Former Stormwind Soldier
Lucille, Former Priestess of the Mechanical Lobster Coalition I
Mag'thul, Zaga'thok's Aide
Maltania Bearmantle, Hermetic Druid of the Claw
Perenus Darkmoore, Former Dalaran Mage
Puupria Skankwater, Sindorei Rogue
Quelarya, Sin'dorei Hunter
Raelneth, Sin'dorei Rogue
Riggs, Jertrana's trusty pet Surf Crawler
Sajun Pilferpinch I, Founder of the "Eagle's Eye Clan"
Sajun Pilferpinch II, Heir to the "Eagle's Eye Clan"
Skaarsnik, Orc Hunter
Skarsnik Gobblatropolis, Goblin Hunter
Skash Deadshadow, Raider/Assassin
Thragg Skullchucker, Former Horde general
Vanarsis, Sin'dorei Hunter
Worryleaf Dewwhisper, Druid
Xanahoa, Troll Hunter
†Xandryl, Embracer of Darkness
Xothaelus, Maniacal Assassin
Zaga'thok, Mysterious Hermit
Zanakara, Troll Hunter
Zengaud, Troll Rogue
Zol'jin, Troll Rogue-Shaman
Zulgha, Rogue of the Crimson Fang Clan
Zulmor, Troll Shaman
The Scourge
Unnamed Death Knight, the Blighted Soul
Burning Legion
Blaydbate Torquinson, pawn of the Legion
Kiteljai, pawn of the Legion
Kittana, pawn of the Legion
Missie, pawn of the Legion
Arsenicia of the Black Dragonflight
Bistregon of the Black Dragonflight
Bondigosa of the Blue Dragonflight
Bulyon Earthstomper, Amal'Gam Society
Chimedormi of the Bronze Dragonflight
Clackter, Sand Crawler
Clawglip, Sea Crawler
Duskaku of the Netherwing Dragonflight
Gree'dral, Amal'Gam Society
Lady Sathriah, Amal'Gam Society
Lady Talashia, Consort of Vrelesk
Malazag Horncaller, Amal'Gam Society
Malechus Stonewilt, Amal'Gam Society
Mog'thak, Ogre Mage
Orosha, Amal'Gam Society
Periwin of the Blue Dragonflight
Rau'Zil, Amal'Gam Society
Snippy, Young Reef Crawler
Stekou of the Netherwing Dragonflight
Taelnasara of the Green Dragonflight
Tokkadormu of the Bronze Dragonflight
Uclagosa of the Blue Dragonflight
Variala Windsinger, Mercenary Bandit
Vrelesk, the Bogslayer
Yalegos of the Blue Dragonflight
Zandistrasz of the Red Dragonflight
Zol'vakk, Troll Berserker
Zuregol of the Blue Dragonflight
Zza'zuul, the Fortress
Player-Created Affiliations
Dragon Watch
Mechanical Lobster Coalition
Starbelt Order
Crimson Fang Clan
Player-Created Locations
Caer Tyuid
Character Gallery
The Grand Alliance
- Amawra 43.jpg
- Faido 42.jpg
Faido Houlein
- Fernlace 24.jpg
Fernlace Featherwing
- Raleign 11.jpg
- Valendra 8.jpg
Valendra Dewhisper
- Whisperlin 2.jpg
Weepwillow Whisperlin
- Daidenar 20.jpg
- Dursh 18.jpg
- Gralzosh 56.jpg
Gral'zosh Stormclaw
- Grihm 31.jpg
- Grīm 7.jpg
- Guldon 0.jpg
- Hakakoka 5.jpg
- Jertrana 31.jpg
Jertrana Ragefever
- Kalathas 12.jpg
Kalathas Bloodriver
- Khoriandr 8.jpg
- Perenus Forsaken 13.jpg
- Quelarya 14.jpg
- Sajün 2 0.jpg
Sajün Pilferpinch II
- Scammy 6.jpg
- Skaarsnik 0.jpg
Skaarsnik Gobblatropolis
- Skash 6.jpg
Skash Deadshadow
- Vanarsis 8.jpg
- Xandryl 9.jpg
- Xothaelus 11.jpg