User:Grihm Bloodtusk/Gral'zosh

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HordeGral'zosh Stormclaw
Image of Gral'zosh Stormclaw
Gender Male
Race Orc
Class Shaman (before original Horde), Warlock (during First War), Death Knight (during Second War), Lich or Continued Death Knight
Affiliation(s) Draenor Shamans (Former), Old Horde (Former), Shadow Council (Former), Stormreaver Clan (Former), Current Affiliation Unknown
Occupation Death Knight or Lich
Status Undead
Relative(s) Skash Deadshadow (son), Zaga'thok (son), Mag'thul (son), Grihm Bloodtusk (grandson)

Gral'zosh Stormclaw is an undead Orc of unknown affiliation, last seen during the collapse of Draenor.


Before the Horde

Gral'zosh protests Gul'dan's embrace of the Legion.


The First War

With the bloodlust consuming his 'humanity', Gral'zosh quickly threw aside his role as shaman, and immediately took up the cup of one of Gul'dan's warlocks of the Shadow Council. Now following the command of Gul'dan, he was instructed by Kil'jaeden himself in the ways of demon magics, and quickly rose through their ranks. UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

The Second War



Gral'zosh's grandson, Grihm.



With his disappearance during the cataclysm that befell Draenor, Gral'zosh was not seen or heard from for many years. However, his name has recently been whispered by a few crazed citizens of the Alliance and Horde, who claim to have seen him. Some claim he is one of the Dark Riders of Deadwind Pass, having escaped the cataclysm by fleeing back into Azeroth. However, others claim he is now a Lich, having followed Ner'zhul through another portal into the Twisting Nether, where he was captured along with Ner'zhul to start the Scourge. It is still unknown which of these rumors are true, if either. New rumors also state he was witnessed as one of the trapped Death Knights alongside Teron Gorefiend on Draenor, but like the other two rumors, it too is unsubstantiated.