User:Grihm Bloodtusk/Dookyhatt Sludgemirror

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This article is a player character biography page

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HordeDookyhatt Sludgemirror
Image of Dookyhatt Sludgemirror
Gender Female
Race Blood elf
Class Mage
Affiliation(s) Horde
Occupation Mage
Location Ruins of Silvermoon
Status Alive (Wretched)
Relative(s) None known

Dookyhatt Sludgemirror was a blood elf mage who attempted to serve the Horde and, by extension, find herself a source of magic that she could siphon off of; she had seen the degeneration of others into wretched and, being incredibly vain, wished to do anything that would prevent this condition from taking hold of her as well. Very soon after she began questing in an attempt to become a heroine of the Horde, she disappeared mysteriously. Her banishment led to her eventual degeneration into a wretched herself.


  • Dookyhatt was a character Grihm Bloodtusk only created to send Lil' K.T. to another character who didn't have the item available to them for some reason. Due to his personal policy on creativity, any and all characters and the like, no matter how minor, must have some form of story set to them.
