User:Grihm Bloodtusk/Gwagg Bloodriver

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NeutralGwagg Bloodriver
Image of Gwagg Bloodriver
Gender Male
Race Blood elf
Class Rogue
Affiliation(s) None
Occupation Highwayman
Location Ruins of Silvermoon, Eversong Woods
Status Alive (Wretched)
Relative(s) Blurph Bloodriver (brother)
Kalathas Bloodriver (cousin)

Gwagg Bloodriver was a blood elf rogue who became a highwayman and served alongside his brother Blurph Bloodriver until they mysteriously disappeared. The only one who was even mildly interested in their fate was their cousin, Kalathas Bloodriver. Blurph and Gwagg often would steal from both blood elf and wretched alike, typically being found stationed along the northern edge of the Ruins of Silvermoon (close to where Kelerun Bloodmourn generally spends his time), or moving between Feth's Way and Skulking Row. Gwagg was a bit of a fool in ways, and his steed never got used to him at all, leading to it trying to flee at any chance it got. Sometimes this would cause a failure in their thievery attempts, and Blurph was made frustrated by this. Even so, Blurph loved his brother, and the two were inseparable up until their disappearances.

He had a panda cub as a pet. It is not currently known what happened to it with his disappearance.


  • While no one ever located either Blurph or Gwagg nor turned up any evidence as to their fates, they were in fact banished by a mysteriously little lich, who also was known to have banished another pair of siblings, Myucka and Sphammi Crusthorn. In all likelihood, both brothers eventually degenerated into wretched themselves.
  • Blurph was character Grihm Bloodtusk only created to send Lil' K.T. to a character who didn't have the item available to her for some reason. Due to his personal policy on creativity, any and all characters and the like, no matter how minor, must have some form of story set to them.
