User:Grihm Bloodtusk/Amal'Gam Society

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
NeutralAmal'Gam Society
Main leader Lady Sathriah (current)
Secondary leaders N/A
Race(s) Dark Iron Dwarves, Dark Trolls, Dwarves, Foraken, Forest Trolls, Gnomes, Goblins, Harpies, Humans, Jungle Trolls, Kal'dorei, Kobolds, Leper Gnomes, Naga, Orcs, Quilboars, Satyrs, Sin'dorei, Taunka, Tauren, Tuskarr
Capital Unspecified
Other major settlements Unspecified
Theater of operations Azeroth
Language(s) Common



Because of the clandestine attitude of the society as a whole, the origins are sketchy at best. It did begin in the Eastern Kingdoms, far from the eyes of any creature on Kalimdor. It seems to be an ancient group, possibly coming into existence after the Burning Legion first attacked Azeroth; this may indicate that it was started with Highborne Elves crossing the newly-formed seas, or perhaps started with a group of Trolls, or even a mix of the two.

Current Operations

Currently, the society kidnap unwitting citizens from any town they can, or kidnap lesser sapient races from their tribes and camps, leading to some myths about shadowy monsters stealing people to feast upon in many of the cultures. These are then magically altered into chimeric hybrids and sic'd against one another in a gladiatorial match, both for entertainment but also to attempt to create the most powerful being in existence.

Members of the Amal'Gam Society

  • Lady Sathriah, Current Leader
  • User:Grihm Bloodtusk/Omegon, Ultimate Hybridized Gladiator
  • User:Grihm Bloodtusk/Alliance Prime, Hybridized Gladiator
  • User:Grihm Bloodtusk/Horde Prime, Hybridized Gladiator
  • Bulyon Earthstomper, Member
  • Gree'dral, Member
  • Malazag, Member
  • Malechus, Member
  • Orosha, Member
  • Rau'Zil, Member