User:Grihm Bloodtusk/Zza'zuul

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NeutralZza'zuul, the Fortress
Image of Zza'zuul, the Fortress
Gender Male
Race Ogre
Class Ogre Mage
Affiliation(s) Old Horde (Former), Independent
Occupation Ultimate weapon
Location Somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms
Status Alive
Relative(s) None known

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Zza'zuul was a secretive Old Horde experiment who is now buried beneath somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms of the world Azeroth, awaiting the day when he can terrorize the planet.



During the years of the Second War, several goblin alchemists experimented on several two-headed ogres in a number of attempts to amplify their natural talents, such as strength and endurance. After many fatalities and several exploding ogres (who were also listed as fatalities), they finally inducted Zza'zuul into the experiment. Nothing was notable of Zza'zuul at this point in time, and he was enlisted out of the Black Tooth Grin Clan, after the Ogre Juggernaught he was a crewman of at the time was sunk by an Alliance Battleship; he was found hours later unconscious on a nearby beach.

Although most of the chemicals pumped into his body were initially the same kind given to Trolls to transform them into Berserkers, once he obtained a healthy regenerative property, he was administered more and more experimental chemicals in increasingly larger doses. By the end of the regimen, he had grown significantly, and was frighteningly powerful. He was also smart, given an intelligence rivaling that of an Ogre Mage. His endurance was vast, and combined with his extremely fast regenerative property, made him seem nearly unstoppable. To this end, he was nicknamed "The Fortress", due to being as powerful as the structures of the same name. He had seemingly become too powerful, however, and those few in the Horde that actually knew of these clandestine experiments chose not to field him in battle, for fear that he might turn on the Horde itself and destroy them as well.

Zza'zuul's Eventual Resting Place

Although they considered destroying him for a very short stint, it was quickly decided it was not likely possible, and that doing so may send him into a rage that could not be controlled by the entire Horde force. Because of this, the Horde ordered Zza'zuul to be sealed away deep underground, and to keep him from knowing of his entrapment, he was given a full compliment of Goblin companions, who would tell him if he asked that the Horde awaited the proper moment to use him to strike at the Alliance. With that, all records of his existence were disposed of, and nearly all workers on the project were put to death in secret. With the death of Orgrim Doomhammer a few years later, knowledge of this gigantic ogre faded away.