User:GoldenYak/Zephon the Deathless

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MobZephon the Deathless
Image of Zephon the Deathless
Race Arach'layn (Undead)
Level ?? Boss
Location Vault of Treasures, Palace of the Spider Queen
Status Killable
Palace of the Spider Queen

The former mightiest warrior of the arach'layn. His lust for battle will not allow him to rest, even after his death. Zephon the Deathless can only be encountered by those on Step Four of the quest to obtain the legendary blade Everblight.

Dungeon Journal

After his death, Zephon's spirit haunts the Vault of Treasures in the Palace of the Spider Queen. He awaits those mighty enough to master the blade Blightsear, which he once wielded. The only weapon that could match it was the ancient aqir blade, Balefrost.


Phase One - Blightsear and Balefrost

For the first part of the encounter, Zephon's restless spirit will awaken the true forms of the swords Blightsear and Balefrost, causing them to manifest as giant eidolons of fire and frost.

  • Ability mage frostfirebolt.png Conflicting Auras  —  If players are standing within both the Searing Aura of Blightsear and the Chilling Aura of Balefrost for more than a few seconds, they will be afflicted with the Conflicting Auras of both elementals, which deal periodic fire and frost damage every second. Players will be rapidly destroyed by this ability and must ensure that the two elementals are kept far away from each other.
  • Ability warlock soullink.png Life Link  —  Balefrost and Blightsear have a life link to one another - they share life so that when one dies, the other will expire as well.

Blightsear's Abilities

  • Spell shaman improvedfirenova.png Creeping Flames  —  Conjures flame under the feet of the target, causing them to leave a trail of burning flame wherever they run and dealing flame damage to them if they stand still. Anyone who moves across the trail of flames will also take fire damage. Only running across frosty ground will extinguish these flames.
  • Spell holy innerfire.png Searing Wreathe  —  Conjures a circle of flames to surround and burn the target. Anyone nearby will take fire damage as well. Only the chilling breath of Balefrost can extinguish the searing wreathe.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Hellfire  —  Blightsear teleports into the center of the chamber and unleashes wave after wave of Hellfire. All targets will take fire damage and will be destroyed unless they are standing within the chilling aura of Balefrost.
  • Spell fire immolation.png Searing Aura  —  Blighsear's very presence causes flames to burn hotter. Anyone close by Blightsear will gradually gain a stacking debuff that increases the damage they take from fire-based attacks. Only moving away or stepping into the chilling aura of Balefrost can remove this debuff. This aura will protect players from the power of Balefrost's Blizzard spell.

Balefrost's Abilities

  • Spell frost chillingblast.png Chilling Breath  —  Balefrost breathes a cone of frosty air at a random target. Anyone within the cloud will take periodic frost damage and have their movement speed reduce. If they are afflicted with Searing Wreathe, the wreathe will be removed and they will be protected from the effects of Chilling Breath for several seconds.
  • Spell frost frostshock.png Frost Bomb  —  Balefrost tosses a frost bomb at a random location, sending it arcing through the air. When the bomb strikes the ground, it will deal a blast of frost damage to anyone nearby, and produce a patch of frosty ground. Stepping on the ground slows movement speed and deals frost damage. If a player afflicted with Creeping Flames sets foot on the frosty ground, Creeping Flames will be removed and the ground will be thawed out.
  • Spell frost icestorm.png Blizzard  —  Balefrost teleports to the center of the chamber and calls down a torrent of ice and snow. Players will take lethal frost damage unless they are standing within the searing aura of Blightsear.
  • Spell frost arcticwinds.png Chilling Aura  —  Balefrost's very presence will chill even the strongest to the bone. Anyone close by Balefrost will gradually gain a stacking debuff that increases the damage they take from frost-based attacks. Only moving away of stepping into the searing aura of Blightsear can remove this debuff. This aura will protect players from the power of Blightsear's Hellfire spell.

Phase Two - Zephon the Deathless

With the eidolons defeated, Zephon transforms their essence into phantom copies of the twin blades and attacks the party directly.

  • Ability parry.png Twin Slash  —  Zephon sends a wave of frost in one direction and a wave of flame in the other. The frost leaves a trail of frosty ground, while the flame sets the ground ablaze.
  • Spell frost frozencore.png Mark of Balefrost  —  Increases damage done by frost based attacks and amplifies the affects of Zephon's frost based abilities against the target. Cast on half the raid.
  • Inv misc orb 05.png Mark of Blightsear  —  Increases damage done by fire based attacks and amplifies the affects of Zephon's fire based abilities against the target. Cast on half the raid.
  • Spell mage frostbomb.png Frost Bomb Barrage  —  Bombards several random locations with frost bombs, which deal frost damage to anyone close by the impact. Targets with the Mark of Balefrost that are struck have their movement speed reduced and cause all targets in the chamber to take a blast of frost damage.
  • Ability warrior bloodnova.png Explosive Wreathe  —  Conjures a circle of flame around the target. If they move, the wreathe will explode, dealing heavy fire damage to anyone nearby. If players afflicted with the Mark of Blightsear trigger the wreathe, the explosion and damage will double in size, dealing lethal flame damage to anyone nearby.

Phase Three - And It's Name is Everblight

When Zephon's health is reduced to 30%, he will combine the two spectral swords together to form Everblight, Lord of the Wastes, and attack the party with new abilities.

  • Sha spell shaman lavaburst.png Deadlight Blast  —  Deals a blast of fire damage and increases damage done by fire based attacks. Zephon will cast this on every target one after the other before casting Spectral Everblight Blade. 0.5 sec casting time. Stacks to 99.
  • Ability warrior rampage.png Berserk  —  Zephon will periodically increase in strength and attack speed. Only being stunned by a Spectral Everblight Blade can remove this buff. Stacks to 10.
  • Sha spell fire felfirenova.png Spectral Everblight Blade  —  Zephon will hurl a Spectral Everblight Blade at a random location. When the Blade strikes, it will release a burst of damaging flame that will strike all players, then produce four waves of white flame in an X pattern. The Blade will remain embedded in the ground and be surrounded in white flame. Only the player who wields the twin blades can pass through these flames and draw the Blade out of the ground, extinguishing the flames. That player can then hurl the Spectral Everblight Blade at Zephon, stunning him for a short period of time and increasing the damage he takes.



  • And Its Name is Everblight - Defeat Zephon the Deathless as part of the quest to create Everblight.


  • Zephon the Deathless yells: I sense it... my old blade... and one other...
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: Their power sings to me... but you have yet to awaken their true strength...
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: Come... let me... show you...
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: Blightsear! Balefrost! Awaken, and show these fools your power!
  • Blightsear yells: Blacken and burn you! Singe and sear you!
  • Balefrost yells: Freeze and crack and shatter and die!
Phase Two
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: Death is only the beginning... with these blades, I will show you firsthand!
Phase Three
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: Still confused? Perhaps this will enlighten you!
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: Unworthy.
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: The blade... I was not strong enough to master it after all...
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: So be it... I concede. I will go to oblivion now, satisfied...
  • Zephon the Deathless yells: But the path you are on will bring you a greater challenge than even I... for the Unspoken rises... in shadow... in silence...