User:GoldenYak/Valthraxx the Everliving

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MobValthraxx the Everliving
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Title <Faded Lord of Azj'Aqir>
Race Nerubian
Level ?? Boss
Location Tomb of the Everliving, Palace of the Spider Queen
Status Killable
Palace of the Spider Queen

The Faded Lord of Azj'Aqir. Valthraxx the Everliving is a heroic only boss found in the Palace of the Spider Queen. He can only be fought in Nezar'Kali is defeated in Heroic Mode.

Dungeon Journal

Valthraxx the Everliving. The Faded Lord of Azj'Aqir. Millennia ago, this monstrous emperor ruled the aqir civilization, a kingdom that stretched across the single great continent of Kalimdor. As their power grew, the aqir came into conflict with the other people of the land. The troll empire of the Zandalari united against the aqir and held back their armies, while the green, blue, and black dragonflights assaulted the central hive-cities where Valthraxx and his inner circle dwelt.

Valthraxx was met in battle by Neltharion himself, in a duel that shook the very foundations of the world, and saw Azj'Aqir consumed in a volcanic apocalypse. In the aftermath, Valthraxx limped away into the darkness of Azeroth's underworld, making his way to the northern aqir colony that would become Azjol-Nerub. Slowly healing over the millennia, Valthraxx lay dormant deep beneath the growing Spider Kingdom. When Nezar'Kali opened the forbidden vaults that contained his slumbering form, he awoke.

Nezar'Kali entreated the aqir emperor to save her people from the brink of extinction and restore them to greatness. The aqir emperor saw an opportunity to take his revenge upon the world, and concocted a diabolical scheme. The Newbreed are his children, altered by aqir blood magic to become an unstoppable force. A new Spider Kingdom would rise, an army of creatures part nerubian and part aqir, powerful enough to sweep away those who would stand against their father.

And the Newbreed are only the first phase of Valthraxx's plan...

Spells and Abilities

Valthraxx is a nightmare creature of insectile limbs and ancient fury. It is unknown how much of Valthraxx's frightening form is wrought by Old God mutation, and how much is simply his natural aqir body.

Phase One - Shatter the Obelisks

The first nerubians feared their slumbering former emperor, and constructed an elaborate vault to hold him. The four Eldritch Obelisks in this vault must be destroyed before Valthraxx can be directly assaulted.

Eldritch Obelisk

  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Discharge  —  As the Obelisk takes damage, it will build up Unstable Energy. Periodically this energy will Discharge, dealing arcane damage to anyone nearby. The more damage the Obelisk receives between Discharges, the greater the damage it will deal. Discharges will also drain resources from enemy adds.
  • Spell arcane starfire.png Arcane Bombardment  —  The Obelisk will release multiple volleys of arcane energy, bombarding random targets with blasts of arcane damage.
  • Spell shadow soulleech 2.png Exile  —  The Obelisk causes the target to slowly shift out of this dimension and into the Shadow Realm. If the target is struck by an Energy Discharge before shifting completely out of phase, the effect will be removed. Players trapped in the Shadow Realm can only escape if a nearby Obelisk is destroyed, which will spawn a portal in the Shadow Realm that will return them to the Material Realm.

Spectral Form of Valthraxx

While in the Shadow Realm, players must contend with adds until they can escape. If players look directly at Valthraxx while in the Shadow Realm, they will perceive him as a monumental mass of shadowy tendrils and glaring eyes.

  • Spell shadow blackplague.png Silent Wraith  —  Spectral creatures that inhabit the Shadow Realm, they will spawn and move towards a randomly targeted player. They explode upon contact, dealing a massive burst of shadow damage to the target and anyone nearby, as well as causing anyone affected to become Pacified for several seconds.
  • Achievement boss yoggsaron 01.png Tendril of the Unspoken  —  Small tendrils that spawn randomly under players in the Shadow Realm. They attack with melee strikes at close range and shadow bolts against far away targets.
  • Inv helmet 01.png Driven to Madness  —  If players face Valthraxx directly while in the Shadow Realm, they will suffer periodic shadow damage.

Hordes of Valthraxx

  • Thraxxian Tombguard —  A newbreed warrior possessed by an extra-dimensional entity.
    • Ability rogue rupture.png Rending Charge —  The Tombugard charges at an opponent and strikes them, causing them to bleed physical damage over time.
    • Spell frost frozenorb.png Dimensional Breach  —  Tombguard lose rage over time as they attack, and will automatically die when they reach zero rage, while dealing a burst of shadow damage to all nearby targets..
  • Thraxxian Shadowspinner —  A newbreed spell-caster possessed by an extra-dimensional entity.
    • Inv helmet 01.png Void Bolt  —  Deals a burst of shadow damage to a random target.
    • Spell frost frozenorb.png Dimensional Breach  —  Shadowspinners lose mana over time as they attack, and will automatically die when they reach zero mana, while dealing a burst of shadow damage to all nearby targets..
  • Thraxxian Intruder —  A newbreed nerubian possessed by an extra-dimensional entity.
    • Spell frost frozenorb.png Dimensional Breach  —  Intruders lose energy over time as they attack, and will automatically die when they reach zero energy, while dealing a burst of shadow damage to all nearby targets.

Phase Two - Valthraxx Revealed

  • Inv sword 2h mantid 01.png Pincer Grasp  —  Valthraxx grabs his current target in his pincer and begins to rip them apart. The pincers must be targeted and dealt a sufficient amount of damage in order to release the target. The target will be afflicted with Split Armor, reducing their armor for a short period of time. If the target is not freed in time, they will be torn apart and instantly slain.
  • Spell frost iceshard.png Needle Spray  —  Valthraxx will fire clouds of poison needles at all targets if there is no one within melee range of him.
  • Ability creature disease 03.png Shadowblight Bile  —  Valthraxx releases a spray of slime across the chamber, creating a river of black ooze. Anyone caught in the spray will take a large burst of Shadowblight damage. Anyone touching the river of slime will be rooted to the spot, gradually regaining their movement speed while taking periodic Shadowblight damage. Anyone walking over the trail will be afflicted in the same way. The spray also spawns several Shadowblight Oozes, which follow random targets. Anyone struck in melee by a Shadowblight Ooze will be rooted in the same manner as walking across the Shadowblight Slime.
  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Shadowblight Breath  —  Valthraxx breathes a massive column of Shadowblight fog, starting facing a random target and then slowly rotating. Anyone caught in the column will take lethal Shadowblight damage and spawn numerous Shadowblight Oozes.
  • Spell yorsahj bloodboil black.png Verminous Infestation  —  The target is afflicted with a terrible infestation. Every 6 seconds they will vomit black slime in a cone in front of them, dealing Shadowblight damage to anyone they strike and spawning a Shadowblight Ooze. Lasts for 30 seconds. If dispelled, the player will vomit and spawn one Shadowblight Ooze a second for every 5 seconds remaining on the effect when it was dispelled.

Phase Transition - Evil Emanation

Valthraxx enters the Phase Two Transition when his health reaches 60%. He will not use any of his abilities while casting and damage against him will be absorbed. The shattered Obelisks surrounding him will begin to resonate with energy (two on 10-man, four on 25-man). Players will be able to operate an Obelisk like vehicles, and when operated by a player the Obelisks can be attacked.

As in phase one, attacking the Obelisks will cause them to build up energy. Once they have gathered enough, players can manually use them to cause a Directed Discharge. Players must aim the Obelisk so that they may fire Directed Discharges at Valthraxx. Once a Directed Discharge is launched, players will be ejected from the Obelisk and be cast into the Shadow Realm.

Valthraxx will begin casting Evil Emanation when his phase begins. It takes 1 minute to complete. If he is not struck with sufficient Directed Discharges to interrupt his casting, the raid will be destroyed. If he is successfully interrupted, Phase Three begins.

  • Damaged Obelisk  —  The broken prison obelisks that once held Valthraxx must now be turned against him directly.
    • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Directed Discharge  —  The Damaged Obelisk absorbs any damage inflicted on it to increase its Unstable Energy. When fully charged, a Directed Discharge can be fired at Valthraxx to disrupt his spell casting.
    • Spell shadow soulleech 2.png Exile  —  Casts the target out of this reality and into the Shadow Realm. Players will only be able to escape when Valthraxx's casting is interrupted.

Spectral Form of Valthraxx

The Spectral Form of Valthraxx retains all of his abilities from Phase One while in the Shadow Realm.


  • Spell arcane arcane01.png Casting Focus  —  Valthraxx begins casting Evil Emanation, requiring Casting Focus to be maintained. As long as any number of Casting Focus stacks are present, Valthraxx will absorb all damage. Directed Discharges will remove Casting Focus. If all 10 stacks are removed, Valthraxx will be interrupted.
  • Ability warlock handofguldan.png Evil Emanation  —  Valthraxx is calling upon the powers of the Old Gods to destroy the players. If his spell is not interrupted, they will take lethal shadow damage.

Phase Three - The Faded Lord

Valthraxx retains all of his abilities from Phase Two. He also summons several new types of adds. Every time Valthraxx's health is reduced by 20% after reaching 60% health, he will enter Phase Two Transition again. Any adds still active will persist.

  • Gnashing Maw —  A pair of snapping jaws on the end of a tendril that extends from underground.
    • Inv misc bone 09.png Bite  —  Deals physical damage to any nearby targets.
    • Spell shadow shadowfiend.png Silent Hymn  —  A maddening song that slows the movement speed of any targets. Used when no targets are in melee combat.
  • Grasping Limb —  An insectile segmented limb that extends from underground.
    • Spell nature earthquake.png Erupt  —  The Grasping Limb erupts from under the earth, knocking back anyone nearby a short distance. It will attempt to grab the nearest target and will begin using melee attacks if it fails.
    • Ability warlock everlastingaffliction.png Grasp  —  Grabs a player and holds them overhead, preventing them from moving. Players can still cast and attack as normal.
    • Inv qiraj skinsandworm.png Burrow  —  If no targets are in melee ranged for several seconds, the Grasping Limb will Burrow and then Erupt at a random target's location after several seconds.
  • Valthraxx Sting —  An enormous scorpion-like sting that erupts from underground.
    • Spell fire felrainoffire.png Acid Bolt  —  Flings acid bolts at random targets. Used when above 66% health.
    • Ability creature poison 02.png Acid Spray  —  Sprays acid in a cloud at random targets, dealing nature damage to them and anyone near them. Used when between 66% and 33% health.
    • Spell nature elementalshields.png Acid Infusion  —  The Sting injects acid into the ground beneath it, producing a pool of corrosive acid. The longer the Sting channels this spell, the larger the pool becomes. It will only begin to fade when the Sting's health is reduced to 0%.

Final Transition

When Valthraxx's health is reduced to 1%, he will enter a Phase Two Transition for a final time. When he is successfully disrupted, the encounter will end and he will be slain.



  • Valthraxx the Everliving - Kill Valthraxx the Everliving.
  • Don't Fade Away - Kill Valthraxx the Everliving without allowing Evil Emanation to go over the 30 second mark.


When entering the Tomb of the Everliving
  • Dark Whisper: You have caused my children no end of difficulties, little ones...
  • Dark Whisper: And you have slain my breeder. Irritating... I will have to select another.
  • Dark Whisper: I hope you are not so deluded as to believe you've accomplished anything of significance. My plans will continue.
  • Dark Whisper: The Newbreed are but the first step. They are the vessels that I will fill with the darkness that waits, outside the world...
  • Dark Whisper: You have lost your path, tiny ones. The darkness closes in around you and you cannot find your way home.
  • Dark Whisper: I can hear the beating of your hearts... feel the quickening of your breath... bright lights, flickering in the dark...
  • Dark Whisper: You are mine now. I need only close my hand to possess you...
  • Valthraxx: Step forward, morsels.
Begin Encounter
  • You've come to let me out? How... accommodating...
Summoning Adds in Phase One
  • Children... come out of the darkness...
  • Inhabit flesh once again, my people...
  • No more hiding in the shadows... come forth
Obelisk Destroyed
  • You would trifle with me, tiny ones?
  • Yesss... free me and I will... reward you...
  • Have I driven you to madness so soon?
  • Almost... yes!
  • I am released... let the feast begin!
Casting Shadowblight Breath
  • Breathe in my darkness, and sleep forever.
  • Darkness will steal your light away.
Begin Casting Evil Emanation
  • I invoke the forbidden names of the Old Gods! - Casting at 0 seconds
  • Kyn ywaq mu'rel phgwa'nur C'Thun nab ma shg'fhn! - Casting at 10 seconds
  • Gul'kafn yog'al zug oou Y'Shaarj uhn'agth shog'dur! - Casting at 20 seconds
  • Ki'rel nok skshgn on'ma N'Zoth! Iilth uulwi plahf! - Casting at 30 seconds
  • Ywaq'nul ky zek zek Y'Uurd! Nok Y'Uurd, saaggh ma! - Casting at 40 seconds
  • Uulwi ifis halahs! Shur'nab, shur'nab, Yogg-Saron! - Casting at 50 seconds
Evil Emanation Successfully Cast
  • Zorm-Nagal! I invoke thee! Eradicate this pestilence!
Evil Emanation Interrupted
  • Skreeeee! How dare you... miserable fleas!
Phase Three Begins
  • I... am immortal! I... cannot die!
  • Enough games, little pests. I will lay eggs in your empty shells!
Killing a Player
  • And so you die, like all the others...
  • The smell of blood... very appetizing...
  • Your flesh will make my children strong...
  • It was inevitable...
  • You were told... to fear the dark... and what moves within it...
  • They have waited in the darkness... long enough... my people...
  • They will be coming soon... I stayed behind to prepare for their return...
  • My people... my kingdom... Azj'Aqir will rise... again...
  • And our... God... will... rise... with... us...