User:GoldenYak/Obsidian Destroyers

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MobCreos and Andros
Image of Creos and Andros
Race Tol'vir (Construct)
Level ?? Boss
Location Terrace of Black Sand, Palace of the Spider Queen
Status Killable
Palace of the Spider Queen

Two tol'vir that were transformed into obsidian destroyers.

Dungeon Journal

The tol'vir that once lived in Northrend were responsible for designing and construction many of the surface structures of Ulduar, while the earthen were tasked to build the underground areas. When the nerubians rose up to attack the Titan holdings, the earthen and the tol'vir joined forces to stop them. The tol'vir, being few in number, were all but exterminated. The survivors were captured by the nerubians and subjected to cruel experiments, driving the Curse of Flesh from their bodies and turning them into beings of living stone once again. Further tortures inflicted upon them left these captive tol'vir as nearly mindless abominations, filled with destructive magic and totally insane.

Creos and Andros are two such tol'vir. Some of the first obsidian destroyers ever crafted, they had protected the Palace of the Spider Queen for thousands of years.

Spells and Abilities

Phase One - Creos of the Black Sand

Creos's Abilities

  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleaving Strike  —  Deals damage to the target and anyone near the target.
  • Spell shadow shadowfury.png Obsidian Sickle  —  Deals extra damage to the target and places the Weakened Body debuff, reducing maximum health for a short period of time. Stacks to 99.
  • Spell nature earthbind.png Black Sand Bomb  —  Conjures numerous clusters of black sand bombs underneath random targets. After several seconds they erupt, they deals massive poison damage to anyone nearby. The bombs also leave behind piles of black sand, which deal poison damage to anyone standing on them. After a cluster of Black Sand Bombs explodes, it will summon a Black Sand Mummy.
  • Spell nature cyclone.png Black Sand Wave  —  Sends a wave of black sand rushing across the battlefield. Anyone caught in the sand will become stunned and take periodic high nature damage. Black Sand Waves clear away piles of black sand. Black Sand Waves break when they come into contact with Creos, forming a large gap in them.

  • Black Sand Mummy - Black Sand Mummies are summoned by Creos when he casts Black Sand Bomb. They have extremely high health.
  • Ability druid forceofnature.png Withering Aura  —  Anyone within 15 yards of a Black Sand Mummy has all healing on them reduced.
  • Inv misc dust 02.png Black Sand  —  The mummy collapses into a pile of black sand when slain, striking all targets within 15 yards for nature damage. Standing on the sand deals additional nature damage.
  • Spell shadow raisedead.png Mindless  —  Black Sand Mummies lose all threat when they are stunned and will attack the next target that deals direct damage to them.

Phase Two - Andros the Ravenous

Andros awakens and joins the battle when Creos reaches 50% health. Creos retains all of his abilities from Phase One.

Andros's Abilities

  • Inv potion 19.png Bolt of Blight  —  Deals a burst of shadow damage to a random target.
  • Inv misc shadowegg.png Magical Immunity  —  Cloaks Andros in arcane energy, preventing him from being damaged by magical attacks. Any magical attacks made on Andros will grant him mana. Consumes any debuffs or damage over time spells and converts them to mana. Lasts 4 seconds.
  • Spell holy dispelmagic.png Absorb Energy  —  If a player uses any ability that consumes a resource (mana, energy, rage, runic power, etc.), Andros will gain mana.
  • Ability devour.png Devour Energy  —  Andros devours all energy in a massive area of effect, sucking the life out of anything in the area and slaying it instantly. Black Sand Mummies in the area of effect will be instantly destroyed, granting Andros mana. Anything slain by Devour Energy also grants Andros 1% damage. Stacks to 99.
  • Spell fire felflamering.png Orb of Destruction  —  Conjures a shimmering orb of destructive energy that lands in the center of the chamber. When it lands, it will deal a lethal burst of arcane damage to all targets. Andros will cast this spell whenever he gains full mana. The Orb of Destruction can be targeted and destroyed before it lands. Destroy it will release the mana within it, replenishing mana to all players for a short time.

Phase Three - Creos and Andros

When Creos is slain, Andros will land and reanimated him, granting him 50% of Andros' current health. He will also link their life together. When one dies, the other will die as well.

  • Inv misc powder iron.png Curse of the Black Sand  —  Players will gain a meter called Curse of the Black Sand throughout phase 3, which fills when they step in piles of Black Sand or when they are struck by Creos' Black Sand Bombs. If their meter reaches 100, they will become Black Sand Mummies and begin attacking their former allies.

Creos' Abilities

Creos retains all of his abilities from Phase One except for Black Sand Wave. Black Sand Mummies will now spawn periodically instead of from Black Sand Bombs.

Andros' Abilities

Andros remains stationary in the center of the area and will not move. He retains his abilities from Phase Two, as well as the following.

  • Spell festergutgas.png Aura of Blight  —  Andros' generates a zone of blighted energy around himself, dealing periodic damage to anyone standing on it. The longer a target stands, the greater the damage becomes.
  • Spell nature lightningshield.png Arcane Bastion  —  Andros conjures a powerful magical force field around himself. The bastion absorbs a certain amount of damage before fading.
  • Spell mage frostbomb.png Orb of Grand Destruction  —  Andros conjures an orb of destructive energy after shielding himself with Arcane Bastion. If he completes casting it, it will annihilate all players with lethal arcane damage. If interrupted, Andros will become stunned and the ambient energy of the spell will replenish the mana of all players.


Creos will begin the fight alone, transforming from a statue into an obsidian destroyer when the encounter begins. Once phase two begins, Andros will animate as well and take to the air overhead. Andros begins with no mana, but will gradually absorb it from players to fuel his attacks. Andros will be difficult to damage in this phase due to his magical immunity and flying out of melee range, so the primary target remains Creos.

When Creos is slain, Andros will land and reanimated them. Both brothers can be targeted and damaged now, although Andros will continue to absorb most magical damage.

Elite Mode

During Phase Two, players must slay Andros before Creos. Andros will immediately revive himself to 50% health and heal Creos to 50% health as well. Phase Three then begins as normal.

Heroic Difficulty Heroic Mode

In Heroic Mode during Phase Three, Creos' and Andros' health is not linked, and they lose health separately.

  • Ability warlock soullink.png Baleful Bond  —  If Andros and Creos have greater than a 4% difference in health, they will periodically gain stacks of Baleful Fury, which increases their attack power.


  • Obsidian Destroyers Elite Mode - Slay Andros before Creos and then defeat the Obsidian Destroyers.
  • All You Can Eat - Get Andros to devour 25 Black Sand Mummies and then defeat the Obsidian Destroyers.


  • Creos yells: None may trespass here! The sanctum of our mistress must remain inviolate!
  • Creos yells: Anng gugoramm ashra!
Casting Black Sand Wave
  • Creos yells: Take your final breath, fleshly ones!
  • Creos yells: The need to breathe... such a weakness!
Begin Phase Two
  • Creos yells: Brother! Rouse yourself! At last there is battle worthy of us.
  • Andros yells: Amon zou amom ruggor.
Casting Orb of Destruction
  • Andros yells: Ogdru jahad.
Begin Phase Three
  • Creos yells: Brotherrr...
  • Andros yells: Anung hem.
  • Andros infuses Creos with dark energy, resurrecting him.
  • Creos yells: My service is unending! Prepare yourself, intruders!
Killing a player
  • Creos yells: Another falls!
  • Creos yells: Amung ahu gog agarrum!
  • Creos yells: Too easy, my brother!
  • Creos yells: The end of all flesh!
  • Creos yells: Is our service done at last...?
  • Andros yells: Ardu hem...