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This article is a player information page

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Please make sure player character articles are in user namespaces - see the personal article policy.


I was one of the original open beta testers. I own a copy of the collector's edition of the game and have a large number of toons on many servers. My first characters were on Icecrown and Terenas (all of them were made the night after the game was released).

I live in Boise, Idaho, USA, which is in the Mountain Time Zone.

Currently I am playing Chirip on Sen'jin. I play some of the others when I either can't play Chirip because the server is down, or I am working on one of my ALTs on Sen'jin. I also have a Burning Crusade Collector's Edition and Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition for my continuing game play.

Game Play Goals

2500Club seal.png
This user is a venerable member of
the 2,500 club!
  1. Chirip (a):
    1. Get a +10 skinning knife or Sword
    2. Get my Tempest Keep Key. (not required any more, but In-progress)
    3. Get all keys and attunements from BC areas. (In-Process, need black temple and mount hyjal)

I know there are more, but I can't remember them at the moment.

  1. Grinnbearit (Imba)
    1. Get Exalted with Argent Dawn (Revered Now)

I also have a goal of getting all of my toons above level 20 before the end of the year. I have most of them there, but some are still needing work.

Goals for my Guild

As the guild leader for Casual Gamerz, I have some goals that I would like to get done to better run the guild.

  1. Get 2 class leaders for each class in the guild. At the moment there are 4 class leaders and I need 16.
  2. Get 2 raid leaders who will run raids for the guild as a whole.
  3. Help people in the guild get all the attunements they want to get and help go to any instance we want to do.
  4. Help people get their characters to level 70.
  5. Help people get groups going so they learn to work together to better run as groups for instances and raids.
  6. Help people work together to get Tier 3.5, 4 and 5 gear.
  7. Improve Guild Website.

Play Schedule

Sunday - Thursday I usually am on from 9:00pm-11:30pm Server Time.
Friday - Saturday I try to get on before 9:00pm and play until 2:00am or 3:00am.

From time to time, I can get on as early as 8:00pm, but I can't count on it.

As the guild leader for Casual Gamerz, I am looking to start running raids, and I guess my first job is to figure out which to do first.  :)

On Tuesdays I work on my horde characters. So you will usually find me on Ventrilo, but you will not see me in game unless you are a member of the Cazual Gamerz guild. If you are not a member, and would like to be, do an ingame /who Cazual Gamerz and see who is on and ask for an invite.

TCG Cards

I have started working on building a list of all the TCG cards I have. I have a page for Hero's Of Azeroth so far.

Character Info

Below is a list of all of my toons:
You can also look at my cursed gaming profile.

Status Server Faction Name Gender Race Class Level Profession / Profession Guild Mount
Active Antonidas US Alliance Margie Female Gnome
IconSmall Gnome Female.gif
21 Blacksmithing / Mining None None
Active Area 52 US Alliance Brekk Male Human
IconSmall Human Male.gif
20 Blacksmithing / Mining None None
Active Area 52 US Horde Hruun Male Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif
24 Mining / Skinning None None
Active Area 52 US Horde Mooissa Female Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif
Death Knight
Death Knight
62 Blacksmithing / Mining None None
Active Caelestrasz US Alliance Kass Male Draenei
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif
54 Blacksmithing / Jewelcrafting Casual Gamerz None
Active Caelestrasz US Alliance Bebie Female Gnome
IconSmall Gnome Female.gif
40 Tailoring / Mining Casual Gamerz None
Active Caelestrasz US Horde Faraf Male Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif
21 Herbalism / Skinning Cazual Gamerz None
Active Caelestrasz US Alliance Chirip Male Gnome
IconSmall Gnome Male.gif
Death Knight
Death Knight
69 Alchemy / Herbalism Cazual Gamerz None
Active Dalaran US Alliance Druall Male Dwarf
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif
21 Mining / Skinning None None
Inactive Deathwing US Horde Bress Female Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif
20 Leatherworking / Skinning None None
Active Deathwing US Alliance Ainnana Female Dwarf
IconSmall Dwarf Female.gif
41 Leatherworking / Skinning None None
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Kilara Female Night Elf
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif
66 Blacksmithing / Mining Heart of the Alliance Striped Frostsaber
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Markus Male Dwarf
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif
27 Engineering / Mining Heart of the Alliance None
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Luciah Male Human
IconSmall Human Male.gif
25 Enchanting / Mining Heart of the Alliance None
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Chirip Male Gnome
IconSmall Gnome Male.gif
32 Leatherworking / Skinning Heart of the Alliance None
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Tine Female Human
IconSmall Human Female.gif
29 Tailoring / Skinning Heart of the Alliance None
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Kimmy Female Gnome
IconSmall Gnome Female.gif
26 Alchemy / Herbalism Heart of the Alliance None
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Mave Male Night Elf
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif
25 Leatherworking / Skinning Heart of the Alliance None
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Ainnana Female Dwarf
IconSmall Dwarf Female.gif
34 Alchemy / Herbalism Heart of the Alliance None
Inactive Icecrown US Alliance Belmiren Male Human
IconSmall Human Male.gif
25 Tailoring / Skinning Heart of the Alliance None
Inactive Malygos US Horde Pacha Male Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif
23 Leatherworking / Skinning None None
Inactive Scarlet Crusade US Alliance Fiofrin Male Dwarf
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif
22 Leatherworking / Skinning None None
Active Sen'jin US Alliance Chirip Male Gnome
IconSmall Gnome Male.gif
80 Leatherworking / Skinning Casual Gamerz  [Purple Riding Nether Ray]
Active Sen'jin US Horde Kelurne Male Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif
43 Skinning / Herbalism Cazual Gamerz None
Active Sen'jin US Alliance Grinnbearit Male Dwarf
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif
80 Blacksmithing / Mining Casual Gamerz  [Swift White Ram]
Active Sen'jin US Alliance Sourscour Female Gnome
IconSmall Gnome Female.gif
35 Inscription / Herbalism Casual Gamerz None
Active Sen'jin US Alliance Cgguildmastr Female Gnome
IconSmall Gnome Female.gif
21 Alchemy / Herbalism CG Nekked Runners None
Active Sen'jin US Alliance Galethua Male Draenei
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif
35 Jewelcrafting / Mining Casual Gamerz None
Active Sen'jin US Horde Kantharia Female Blood Elf
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png
24 Blacksmithing / Mining Cazual Gamerz None
Active Sen'jin US Alliance Tarrah Male Night Elf
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif
Death Knight
Death Knight
70 Enchanting / Herbalism Casual Gamerz None
Inactive Silver Hand US Alliance Graiff Male Human
IconSmall Human Male.gif
20 Tailoring / Skinning None None
Inactive Spinebreaker US Horde Leyturs Male Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif
22 Leatherworking / Skinning Horde With Attitude None
Inactive Terenas US Horde Bakagho Male Orc
IconSmall Orc Male.gif
20 Blacksmithing / Mining AFK Horde None
Inactive Terenas US Horde Gari Female Orc
IconSmall Orc Female.gif
20 Leatherworking / Skinning AFK Horde None
Inactive Terenas US Horde Gerica Female Undead
IconSmall Undead Female.gif
20 Leatherworking / Skinning AFK Horde None
Inactive Terenas US Horde Mondrey Male Undead
IconSmall Undead Male.gif
21 Tailoring / Skinning AFK Horde None
Inactive Terenas US Horde Pahur Male Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif
23 Leatherworking / Skinning AFK Horde None
Inactive Terenas US Horde Nidala Female Tauren
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif
20 Leatherworking / Skinning AFK Horde None
Inactive Terenas US Horde Dutazee Male Troll
IconSmall Troll Male.gif
20 Tailoring / Skinning AFK Horde None
InActive Terenas US Horde Marai Female Troll
IconSmall Troll Female.gif
20 Alchemy / Herbalism AFK Horde None
InActive Terenas US Horde Felanor Male Blood Elf
IconSmall BloodElf Male.png
21 Jewelcrafting / Mining AFK Horde None
InActive Terenas US Horde Litha Female Blood Elf
IconSmall BloodElf Female.png
Death Knight
Death Knight
63 Blacksmithing / Mining AFK Horde None

My toon stats

Males: 25 (Blood Elf: 1, Draenei: 2, Dwarf: 4, Gnome: 3, Human: 4, Night Elf: 2, Orc: 1, Tauren: 6, Troll: 1, Undead: 1)
Females: 17 (Blood Elf: 2, Draenei: 0, Dwarf: 2, Gnome: 5, Human: 1, Night Elf: 1, Orc: 1, Tauren: 3, Troll: 1, Undead: 1)

Alliance: 24 (Draenei: 2, Dwarf: 6, Gnome: 8, Human: 5, Night Elf: 3)
Horde: 18 (Blood Elf: 3, Orc: 2, Tauren: 9, Troll: 2, Undead: 2)

Toons by class

Death KnightDeath Knight: 5 (Females: 2, Males: 3)

DruidDruid: 4 (Males: 4)

HunterHunter: 7 (Females: 4, Males: 3)

MageMage: 4 (Females: 4)

PaladinPaladin: 6 (Females: 1, Males: 5)

PriestPriest: 3 (Females: 2, Males: 1)

RogueRogue: 4 (Females: 1, Males: 3)

ShamanShaman: 3 (Females: 1, Males: 2)

WarlockWarlock: 2 (Males: 2)

WarriorWarrior: 5 (Females: 3, Males: 2)

Instances Run

Below is a list of all of the instances in the game. Most lower level ones I have run and have on a farm status. Some of the higher level ones are also on farm status. I am trying to let people know with this what I can run and what I need help running. This is kind of a combination of all the toons I have and what they have done and not done. Most of the status here is for Chirip on Sen'jin, but not all of it.

Eastern Kingdoms
Name Key Status
Deadmines N/A Farm
Shadowfang Keep N/A Farm
Stockade N/A Farm
Gnomeregan  [Workshop Key] (shortcut) Farm
Scarlet Monastery  [The Scarlet Key] Farm
Uldaman N/A Farm
Temple of Atal'Hakkar N/A Farm
Blackrock Depths  [Shadowforge Key] Farm
Lower Blackrock Spire N/A Farm
Upper Blackrock Spire  [Seal of Ascension] Farm
Stratholme  [Key to the City] Farm, Keyed
Scholomance  [Skeleton Key] Farm
Zul'Gurub N/A Run Twice not completed
Molten Core N [30D] Attunement to the Core Attuned, not done full run
Blackwing Lair N [60D] Blackhand's Command Run Twice. At 80, easy now that they nerfed the last boss.
Naxxramas N [60] The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas Running at 80.
Karazhan  [The Master's Key] Have key, We are basically farming Attumen the Huntsman. Have killed Moroes.
Zul'Aman N/A I have been in the instance. I have stealthed through a lot of it.

Name Key Status
Ragefire Chasm N/A Farm
Wailing Caverns N/A Farm
Blackfathom Deeps N/A Farm
Razorfen Kraul N/A Have done twice
Razorfen Downs N/A Not Done
Zul'Farrak N/A Farm
Maraudon N/A Farm
Dire Maul  [Crescent Key] Farm
Onyxia's Lair  [Drakefire Amulet] Ran several times want more
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj N/A Not Done
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj N/A Not Done
Escape from Durnholde Keep,
in Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Heroic Mode:  [Key of Time] Done Normal, Have Heroic key, have not run in heroic
Opening the Dark Portal,
in the Black Morass
Escape from Durnholde Keep
Heroic Mode:  [Key of Time]
Done Normal, Have Heroic key, have not run in heroic
Battle of Mount Hyjal Friendly or better reputation with Scale of the Sands Not Attuned

Name Key Status
Hellfire Ramparts Heroic Mode:  [Flamewrought Key] Farm for normal, Not done Heroic
Blood Furnace Heroic Mode:  [Flamewrought Key] Farm for normal, Not done Heroic
Shattered Halls  [Shattered Halls Key]
Heroic Mode:  [Flamewrought Key]
I have the Shattered Halls Key, Run several times not done Heroic
Magtheridon's Lair N/A Not Run Yet
Slave Pens Heroic Mode:  [Reservoir Key] Farm for Normal, Not done Heroic
Underbog Heroic Mode:  [Reservoir Key] Farm for Normal, Not done Heroic
Steamvault Heroic Mode:  [Reservoir Key] Run several times, Not done Heroic
Serpentshrine Cavern [The Mark of Vashj] Not Attuned
Mana Tombs Heroic Mode:  [Auchenai Key] Run twice, still have not done the escort quest at the end.
Auchenai Crypts Heroic Mode:  [Auchenai Key] Not Run Yet
Sethekk Halls Heroic Mode:  [Auchenai Key] Run One Time, not completed. Not run in Heroic.
Shadow Labyrinth  [Shadow Labyrinth Key]
Heroic Mode:  [Auchenai Key]
Not Keyed, I have run several times. Not done in Heroic.
Mechanar Heroic Mode:  [Warpforged Key] Run Once
Botanica Heroic Mode:  [Warpforged Key] Run Twice
Arcatraz  [Key to the Arcatraz]
Heroic Mode:  [Warpforged Key]
Not run, been inside
Eye  [The Tempest Key] Not Keyed, need to do the heroic runs
Gruul's Lair N/A Not Run
Black Temple  [Medallion of Karabor] Not Run, up to The Secret Compromised (quest)