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This article is a player character biography page for Pyronaptor of Anvilmar US created by Crewx.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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Image of Pyronaptor
Gender Male
Race Darkspear Troll
Level 85
Class Hunter
Affiliation(s) Darkspear Trolls, Horde, Siame-Quashi
Occupation Mining and Jewelcrafting
Location Anvilmar (US)
Status Alive


Grown up in the Valley of Trials, alongside his brother Cryonaptor, he grew to be one of the Darkspear's elite Hunters, and one of the Horde's best Rangers.

After an argument with his brother, which drove the Mage off to the Undercity to seek home and training, he trained in the art of Hunting with the Tauren. He learned of the Tauren ways of hunting, giving back to nature and using everything you take. Alongside his Raptor, Veloci, he has fought the Alliance on every front, and plans to fight any threat that comes to the Horde. And the new Warchief, Garrosh, though inspirational, seems like it could be the Horde's undoing to the young Hunter.

On that note, when he was young, he set out on an expedition with the Tauren in the Barrens, hoping to learn more of the Tauren's hunting prowess and customs. It is in the Barrens he saw a Sunscale Lashtail, a bright pink raptor that, being a Troll, he admired. He sought to tame the beast for himself. The beast mortally wounded him twice, but in the end, he tamed the raptor and named it Veloci. Now, they are the best of friends.

He holds Vol'jin, leader of the Darkspear, in very high respect.


Beast Master




[Ancient Hysteria]:

  • Dere be a storm comin'...
