User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Ogre ideas

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Mogor the Ogre TCG.jpg
Faction/Affiliation Alliance
Character classes WoW Icon update.png Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Death knight, Hunter
Racial capital Gruul's Lair
Racial leader(s) IconSmall HalfDraenei Male.gif Lantresor of the Blade
Racial mount IconSmall OutlandBasilisk.gifBasilisk
IconSmall Netherray.gifNether ray
Homeworld Outland / Draenor
Language(s) Low Common, Common

Ogres are large humanoids of notable strength originally from Draenor now Outland. They were one of the last races of Draenor's giants.[1] Many were enslaved by the powerful Gronn and even worshiped them as Gods. Several free ogre clans came through the Dark Portal before the First War. These ogres had a blood hatred to the orcs second only to their hatred of humans. They favored lands that were not frequented by orcs, and were seldom seen near other races' encampments.[2]

Many ogre clans were once allies with the Horde These included monstrous two-headed versions that were created by Gul'dan and brought through the portal after the First War to act as enforcers to quell needless infighting between the orc clans. However, eventually these clans broke free and went their own separate ways. Later, the Stonemaul Clan joined the new Horde under the leadership of the Mok'Nathal named Rexxar. The Dreadmaul Clan was partially re-enslaved while the Dunemaul Clan was brought into the Horde by Megs Dreadshredder.

Ogre culture, such as it was, tended to revolve a great deal around warfare, violence, and acts of strength. Elimination of competitors was an accepted way to move up in the ogre ranks. But all of this changed after achieving enlightenment, aided by the powerful influence of the Apexis Crystals.

Lantresor of the Blade united the ogre clans of Outland and Azeroth, brought them to the region where the Apexis Crystals were located. After uniting and enlightening, Lantresor of the Blade joined the Alliance to stop the growing threat of the arakkoas and the Burning Legion.


Originally from Draenor, ogres were one of the last races of Draenor's giants.

Ogres in the Second War

The ogres were brought through the Portal after the First War to act as enforcers in an effort to quell needless infighting between the Orc clans. The ogres were subjected to experiments by the warlock Gul'dan using the stolen runestones of Quel'thalas in an effort to produce new spellcasters for the horde to replace the fallen necrolytes and warlocks. Gul'dan's work bore fruit and lead to the creation of the ogre-magi. This new generation of ogres were two headed, an extreme rarity among ogres before this, more intelligent and more magically gifted than normal ogres and were used to devastating effect on the alliance.[3]

Third War and Beyond

Following the defeat of the Horde the ogres left the orcs to their fate and spread out across Azeroth, though most remained in locations they fought over during the first and second wars. Some, however, managed to travel to all the way to Kalimdor. The ogres played no part in the defeat of the Burning Legion during the Third War, however, during Admiral Proudmoore's invasion of the new orcish kingdom of Durotar one tribe of ogres, the Stonemaul clan, did rejoin the horde under their leader, Rexxar, who overthrew the previous chieftain Kor'gall. Despite this most ogre tribes have remained independent and are now hostile to alliance and horde alike.[4]

Other ogre tribes continue to exist on the ruins of Draenor. Most of these are still enslaved to the gronn and are in conflict with each other and other races over the diminishing resources of the shattered world. One tribe - the Ogri'la have freed themselves from their demi-god oppressors and are trying to forge a new, more peaceful existence for their race.

Following the Cataclysm on Azeroth Cho'gall has reemerged brought ogres legions into the Twilight Hammer. Meanwhile the Dunemaul band have been recruited into the Horde by Megs Dreadshredder.

The Ogre Legion

Following the defeat of Cho'gall and his Twilight Hammer, Lantresor of the Blade send envoys into every clan both in Azeroth and Outland. He main purpose was to eliminate Gruul and the enlightenment of the ogres. He was successful in uniting all of the ogre clans even those who served the Horde, Twilight Hammer and Gruul. He and his new army captured Gruul's Lair and liberated Blade's Edge Mountains. Ogres led by Lantresor of the Blade joined the Alliance to fight the growing threat of the arakkoas and the burning legion. Cho'gall and Dentarg as well as other ogers were revived by the mystical powers of the Apexis Crystals. The strength of the ogres was growing and finally the Ogre Legion started his aim by eliminating the demons of Outland. As the war between the Legion and Army of the Light began, some of the clans were sent to Azeroth and Argus to help the Horde and the Alliance.


There is a great variety in the ogre species. Ogres average between 6 feet and 7 feet in height at adulthood, but continue to grow two inches to a foot at a time through a portion of their lives, as well as continuing to put on weight. A fully grown ogre would be between 8 feet and 25 feet;[5] the average for the larger ogres is 15 feet, though some ogres are small, barely larger than 6 or 7 feet.[6] At first glance, they may look lazy and fat, but they're actually incredibly strong. Their skin tones range in color from shades of peach to red, to deep blues and ashen black. They frequently have at least one horn on their head, and can have either one or two eyes.Ogres have many as the same hairstyles as orcs and can grow hair on the chin and upper lip.


Ogres usually speak Low Common. Some of the more intelligent ones may speak Common,Orcish or Draenei.

  1. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 156
  2. ^ Warcraft I manual (Orc), pg. 58
  3. ^ Warcraft II manual, pg. 73
  4. ^ Warcraft III, Old Hatreds
  5. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 29
  6. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 214