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HordeAlindaloran Dawnwing
Image of Alindaloran Dawnwing
Title <Crusader, The Light of Dawn>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf
Class Paladin Paladin
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City, Horde, Blood Knights, Argent Dawn (Formerly), Argent Crusade, Scryers (Formerly), Shattered Sun Offensive (Formerly),
Occupation Argent Crusader, Blood Knight of Silvermoon
Location Silvermoon City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Danirdaloran Duskwing (Brother, Undead), Salendris (Brother, Missing)
Companion(s) Dawnbreaker (mount)
Alignment Lawful Neutral

Alindaloran Dawnwing is one of the Dawnwing brothers, the middle child, and the only one to retain the family name. Both a valiant crusader, and veteran of the horde he is an extremely disciplined individual with a strong sense of justice. Having been scorned many times in his life by those he either looked up to or trusted, he will stop at nothing to even the scales when someone wrongs himself or his allies. He has assisted other adventurers and heroes in fighting back many enemies that have targeted Azeroth for their own nefarious machinations. Following some of these campaigns (e.g. Outland, and Northrend) he remained back to help clean up the remainder of the demonic or undead forces that still posed some threat to his allies. Currently he resides in Eversong Woods, travelling between Silvermoon City and the Isle of Quel'Danas to assist in guarding the Blood Elves' sacred Sunwell.


Alindaloran is the last scion of the Dawnwing family. Since the fall of Quel'Thalas his family has been shattered, his parents murdered by the scourge and his two brothers missing. Following the events of the Third War he was inducted into the Blood Knights, participated in the Argent Crusade's campaign in Northrend, and become a veteran of the Horde. He seeks to assist and defend his homeland from any potential threat inside or outside their borders.

The Dawnwing Lineage

Following the scourge's decimation of Thalassian lands, Alindaloran's surviving family went their separate ways. Since this separation Alindaloran has strived to find and reunite with his brothers.

Danirdaloran Duskwing

The youngest Dawnwing was also a victim of Arthas' dark crusade through the golden lands of Eversong Woods. Danirdaloran was part of the Farstriders that attempted to initially prevent the Death Knight from entering Quel'Thalas. Rather than remaining dead, or raised as a weapon against his own people, the scourge collected his body for later use. He would become the very thing that destroyed his home, he would become a Death Knight.


Little is known about Alindaloran's eldest brother, save that Salendris joined Kael'thas in the Blood Elves' pilgrimage through the Dark Portal. While Salendris was responsible for helping Alindaloran join the Blood Knights, he was unable to find his older brother during the campaign in Outland. However, during the assault on the Black Temple, he did find one of his family's signet rings on one of the terraces where new demon hunters were being trained. Despite this find, Salendris remained missing for years. During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, demon hunters that had been imprisoned by the Warden Maiev Shadowsong joined the fight to defend Azeroth. Among those released was a familiar face, a brother long thought to have vanished from the face of the world.

Eversong & The Blood Knights

After being persuaded to remain within Eversong by his brother, Alindaloran opted to assist with guarding reclamation efforts by the Blood Elves following the Scourge's assault. While most of his efforts were focused on reclaiming the mainland in Eversong Woods, he did assist in some efforts to reclaim areas of the Ghostlands. Spending many years fighting back agents of the scourge gave him insight into their methods and tactics, as well ass the best way to dispatch them.


Alindaloran, Thalassian Vindicator

Alindaloran had heard rumors that Kael'thas had sent some elves from Outland with a new source of power for the Blood Elves, and something more. A new source was wonderful news, but he was more intrigued by the mysterious gift that had apparently come back through the portal with his Prince. While he did engage in taping into the magic of other creatures to sate his addiction, he also spent much of his spare time asking questions regarding those that had returned from Outland. Eventually someone caught wind of his inquisitive behaviour, and a messenger, bearing a letter, sought him out.

Dearest Brother,

Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, nor has the sheer number of questions you have asked about my fellows that were sent back to our ruined homeland. I have heard of how you masterfully assisted in dispatching the scourge fiends occupying Quel'Thalas, and thus believed it best to send word to Magister Astalor Bloodsworn. He has agreed to allow you to meet with Bloodvalor to have you assessed further.

It is my belief that you will prove to be an excellent candidate for what they have to offer you. You may even be sent by them to assist our Prince in Outland.

Hope to see you soon little brother,


Alindaloran had an immense desire to go to Outland to reunite with his brother, and serve his Prince. Following his brother's advice he met with Knight-Lord Bloodvalor. He was sent to engage in the first of his many trials at the Isle of Tribulations, his success earned him the rank of initiate. Alindaloran had great successes in his mastery over the light, rising through the ranks from initiate to adept, to a Blood Knight Master within the order. During his training he was often found in the Western and Eastern Plaguelands, assisting the Argent Dawn in their efforts against the Scourge.


Upon completing his training as a Blood Knight Master, Alindaloran was ready to begin the pilgrimage, a journey from Silvermoon City through the Dark Portal to rejoin with his Blood Elven brothers and sisters that left for Outland with Kael'Thas. His journey was not without difficulty, making his way across the Eastern Kingdoms was one thing, but traversing Hellfire Peninsula was a challenge in and of itself. For a time he stayed and rested with his bretheren at Falcon Watch, where he briefly aided the Cenarion Expedition in investigating a giant crystal that had fallen from the sky before moving on to his next destination, Shattrath City.

Scrying from Within

Alindaloran journeyed to Shattrath by way of Zangarmarsh, while passing through the expedition camp he overheard Night Elves whispering about the investigation at Fallen Sky Ridge, saying that a Blood Elf by the name of Pathaleon had a hand in causing the disturbance there. Alindaloran would eventually arrive in Shattrath City where he was introduced to Voren'thal the Seer, leader of the Scryers. In learning about the atrocities committed by Kael'thas, Alindaloran pledged himself to the Scryers' cause. Alindaloran focused on disruptive the corrupt monarch's plans in Outland whereever he could. Eventually this would bring him to Tempest Keep where he worked with the rest of the Horde to depose the once great Prince of the Blood Elves.

The Shattered Sun

Kael'thas' betrayal impacted many Blood Elves, especially Alindaloran. For a time he remained in Shattrath with the Scryers. Occaisionally contemplating the nature of the Naaru, and whether their actions in draining power from M'uru were truly just. News from Silvermoon would eventually reach his ears that the traitor prince was not truly dead, and had lead an attack on Silvermoon to steal M'uru from the Blood Knights, and that his forces had wrested control of the Isle of Quel'Danas. Both the Scryers and Aldor were deployed to the sacred site of the Sunwell, forming the Shattered Sun Offensive. Alindaloran journeyed with the offensive to the isle, to help ensure that his prince's madness would come to an end, and that the elves wouldn't lose the Sunwell yet again.


Dawn of the Crusade


Return to the Eastern Kingdoms

The Second Shattering

Mysterious New Lands

Seeking the Sunreavers

Darkening the Portal Once More

Return of the Fel Horde

The Darkest Crusade

The Silver Hand

The Blood War


