Olemba Seed Oil

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HordeOlemba Seed Oil
Start Rakoria
End Rakoria
Level 15-30
Category Terokkar Forest
Experience 10400 EXP (or 3g 75s at level 70)
Rewards 2g 90s
Next H [15-30] And Now, the Moment of Truth


Bring 30 Olemba Seeds to Rakoria in Stonebreaker Hold.


The oily seeds from the forest's olemba trees could prove very valuable. I'd like to gather a larger quantity of them, press them for their oil, and then see what I can do with it.

Just think, there's a whole forest full of trees out there, producing a lot of seeds that go to waste. I don't care if it turns out to be cooking oil, lamp oil, or weapon oil, I won't let it go to waste!

Bring me any of the seeds that you happen to gather from the olemba cones. They're all over the place.


You will receive:

  • 2g 90s
  • 10400 XP (or 3g 75s at level 70)


Do you have any seeds for me?


That's a good start, but we're going to need more than that if we're to press a respectable amount of oil!


  1. H [15-30] Olemba Seed Oil
  2. H [15-30] And Now, the Moment of Truth

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