WANTED: Bonelashers Dead! (Horde)

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HordeWANTED: Bonelashers Dead!
Start Wanted Poster
End Mawg Grimshot
Level 15-30
Category Terokkar Forest
Experience 11000 (6g 60s at level 70)
Next H [15-30] Torgos!
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] WANTED: Bonelashers Dead!.


Kill 20 Bonelashers and then report to Mawg Grimshot at Stonebreaker Hold in Terokkar Forest.


The bonelashers of the Bone Wastes bit Mawg and made him sick. Now he wants all of them destroyed!

While they can be found throughout the wastes, they are known to congregate at Carrion Hill in the north.

Return to Mawg Grimshot after you've done the deed and he'll give you a good reward.


You will receive: 3g 30s


You must have killed a lot of those bonelashers! Good, I hate them! Ever since I was bit by one of them, I keep having fainting spells.

Do you realize how embarrassing that is? Here, take this as thanks for exacting some revenge for me.


  1. H [15-30] WANTED: Bonelashers Dead!
  2. H [15-30] Torgos!

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