Rohan Sunveil

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HordeRohan Sunveil
Image of Rohan Sunveil
Title <The Reliquary>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City, Reliquary
Occupation High standing member of the Reliquary, and leader of the Sunveil Excursion[1]
Location Sunveil Excursion, Blasted Lands; Val'sharah
Status Alive
Relative(s) Clarya Sunveil

Rohan Sunveil is a blood elf quest giver and the leader of the Reliquary's expedition located at Sunveil Excursion, in the Blasted Lands.


Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

At the time of the Cataclysm, Rohan Sunveil and his subordinates of the Reliquary arrived in the Blasted Lands. Interested in the demonic artifacts once hidden in the Tainted Scar, he ordered the creation of the Sunveil Excursion and led his subordinates to practice an archaeological study in the Tainted Forest, where they focused their work in the acquisition, cataloging, and preservation of any and all magical artifacts. However, because of a corrupted Gilnean druid of substantial power named Marl Wormthorn, the unnatural forest threatened his excursion's progress, as its trees' roots broke their picks, its moss grew over their excavation sites, and its animals attacked their men.[2] Annoyed by the situation, he contacted Warlord Dar'toon at the Dark Portal and asked him to send Horde adventurers who would be interested in working for him with compensation.[3]

In order to halt the corruption, and to finally be able to continue their archaeological study, Rohan asked the adventurers to reduce the number of demons in the area.[4] After he received a report from his scouts on the source of Maldraz's corruption, he sent the adventurers to meet Elijah Dawnflight, in order to find a way to stop the mad druid and his creation.[5] Once ready, he ordered the elimination of Marl Wormthorn, and later thanks the heroes for their achievement, allowing them to continue to dig and search for magical artifacts in the area.[6]

WoD-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

When the Ironmarch entered Azeroth through the Dark Portal, it seems that he has deserted the camp with the other members of the excursion.

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At the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, he could be found with Clarya Sunveil in another camp of the Reliquary in Val'sharah, on the Broken Isles.


Patch changes


External links

Blasted Lands Val'sharah