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Sentinel Talondras

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BossSentinel Talondras
Image of Sentinel Talondras
Gender Female
Race Refti (Giant)
Level 11-71 Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hall of the Keepers, Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Status Killable

Sentinel Talondras is a refti boss encounter located in the Hall of the Keepers in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr.

Adventure Guide

Talondras is one of the refti, a titan-forged race crafted by Keeper Tyr to work in harmony with dragonkind. Fiercely loyal to their maker, the refti were sometimes sent to distant shores to carry out important missions. Sentinel Talondras was charged with defending the route to the disc holding Tyr's memories and is determined to keep the unworthy from laying claim to her maker's legacy.


Sentinel Talondras begins the fight with two applications of Inexorable, each which absorbs the next stun effect cast on Talondras. When the fight begins, Talondras manifests Resonating Orb to stun players and begins to charge the Ancient Dynamo. If the dynamo reaches 100 energy before being stunned, it provides Titanic Empowerment to Sentinel Talondras.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Resonating Orb will stun any unit it comes into contact with.
  • Inexorable can be removed by Stun effects, causing the Ancient Dynamo to become vulnerable.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Crushing Stomp inflicts high damage to all players.
  • Earthen Shards causes one player to bleed for high damage over its duration.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Resonating Orb will stun any player or monster it comes into contact with.
  • Inexorable can be removed by Stun effects, causing the Ancient Dynamo to become vulnerable.


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Shaman talent unleashedfury.png Ancient Dynamo Important — Talondras generates energy over time. Stunning Talondras resets the Ancient Dynamo, draining all of its energy. After 3 sec, the dynamo resets and Talondras casts Inexorable and begins generating energy once more.

  • Ability rogue combatreadiness.png Inexorable — Talondras's defenses are hardened, making her immune to the next $n Stun effects.
  • Spell nature shamanrage.png Titanic Empowerment Deadly — Upon reaching 100 energy Talondras becomes unstoppable, making her immune to all crowd control abilities and increasing her damage done by 50% for 20 Sec.
  • Ability warrior innerrage.png Unrelenting Mythic Difficulty — Whenever Talondras recovers from being stunned or casts Titanic Empowerment, she gains 5% additional damage done for the rest of the battle. This effect stacks.

Inv trinket 80 titan01d.png Resonating Orb — Talondras activates up to 3 titan orbs. Any player or monster touching one of these orbs becomes stunned for 6 Sec. Warrior talent icon thunderstruck.png Crushing Stomp — Talondras unleashes a wave of energy that inflicts 27187-110286 Physical damage to all players and knocks them away. 6bf blackrock nova.png Earthen Shards — Talondras heaves a blast of jagged stones at the target, inflicting 27187-110286 Physical damage and causing the target to bleed for an additional 14500-58819 Physical damage every 2 sec for 10 Sec.

Related achievements



Halt! The unworthy will not enter this hallowed place.
  • Keeper Tyr's secrets will be protected!
  • Must... regain... strength!
  • Stop where you are!
  • Ancient Dynamo while she is not stunned!
His memories... are not... for you...

Patch changes

External links