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Image of Ribbit
Title <Obsidian Outcasts>
Gender Female
Race Black dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 70 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Obsidian Outcasts, Valdrakken Accord
Location Dragonbane Keep, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Ribbit is a black dragonspawn located in Dragonbane Keep in the Waking Shores.




A hero like you might clear the way, but you'll need us to hold the field.

Gossip Who are the Obsidian Outcasts?

When the dragons left, the remaining dragonkin and dragonspawn on the island were isolated, shunned by the flights--visiting the citadel was taboo. But Boss and I wanted to understand our heritage and history.
We made this keep our home, and our numbers grew. We took in society's outcasts and made money from odd jobs.
And then, without warning, the Djaradin attacked. They took over the citadel and kicked us out.
To be honest, I don't think anyone here cares what Wrathion or Sabellian wants. We just miss home.
Gossip What's with all the weird names?
The Outcasts don't care about your past. You might be a rebel or a hero, but it doesn't matter to us. You work with us, the crew gives you a name.
From that day on, the old you is nothing more than a dead name on distant winds.
Gossip Where'd you get the name Ribbit?
Two-Eye thought it would be funny to turn me into a hornswog... and at the time Croaker was already taken.

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