Dark Eagle

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NeutralDark Eagle
No image available
Race Eagle
Affiliation(s) Amani tribe
Location Unknown
Status Deceased
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Dark Eagle was an eagle with gold-and-brown feathers,[1] tortured and cruelly warped by the Amani trolls and their dark magic, twisting it into a true monster. After a quiet time, the trolls launched a well-planned incursion with their finest warriors and the terrifying eagle in the vanguard against Lireesa Windrunner and her squad of rangers who were hunting near a village. Lireesa asked the rangers for their arrows and sent them back to the village. She managed to fire the arrows into the eagle, hitting its eyes, throat, and heart. Still, without their creature, the trolls went pushed toward the village. When the rangers saw that the eagle was missing and Lireesa was still fighting, the elves defeated the trolls. After the fight, Lireesa took her squad back to the battlefield and showed them the eagle's corpses, remarking that she managed to defeat it because they had lent her strength. This battle would be known as the Battle of Seven Arrows,[2] and its story would be retold among the Windrunners and the Farstriders.

Lireesa took its feathers and used them on her arrows. One such arrow was given by Lireesa to her daughter Alleria on her test to become the Ranger-General. At least one was recovered by Sylvanas when Lireesa died. She fired it at Arthas Menethil.[3]
