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Provisioner Thom

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NeutralProvisioner Thom
Image of Provisioner Thom
Title <Blacksmithing Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black Prince
Location Obsidian Enclave, Valdrakken; Vault of the Incarnates
Status Alive

Provisioner Thom is a human located in the Obsidian Enclave in Valdrakken and in the Vault of the Incarnates.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv hammer 20.png [Blacksmith Hammer]
Inv ore tin 01.png [Coal]
Inv misc powder purple.png [Durable Flux]
Spell frost fireresistancetotem.png [Elemental Flux]
Inv misc questionmark.png Expedition Guard's Helm#Epic
150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc questionmark.png Expedition Mercenary's Helm#Epic
150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc questionmark.png Expedition Researcher's Hood#Epic
150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc questionmark.png Field Scout's Helmet#Epic
150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc craftingreagent flux01.png [Luminous Flux]
Inv pick 02.png [Mining Pick]
1s 23c
Inv herbalism 70 starlightrosedust.png [Primal Flux]
Inv guild cauldron a.png [Rot Resistant Cauldron]
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01.png [Strong Flux]
Inv mail dragonquest b 01 belt.png [Valdrakken Dragonspawn Waistguard]
150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv leather dragonquest b 01 belt.png [Valdrakken Guards Belt]
150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv belt plate dragonquest b 01.png [Valdrakken Plate Girdle]
150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv cloth dragonquest b 01 belt.png [Valdrakken Spellweaver's Cord]
150 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02.png [Weak Flux]


Objective of



Need repairs? I'm your lad.

Or feel free to check my wares if you're a fellow smithy!

Buy I'd like to browse your goods.


  • During development, his title was <Servant of the Black Prince>.

Patch changes

External links

Valdrakken Vault of the Incarnates