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Maw of the Void

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Maw of the Void.

The Maw of the Void is a subzone of Darkshore southeast of Lor'danel. It is a massive whirlpool that all of the water of the zone, like the Cliffspring River, drains into. Jumping into it treats the player to a short cutscene of their character being sucked into the whirlpool. Players end up in the Bashal'Aran Collapse, falling a far distance, but lands safely. It is possible to obtain  [Going Down?] without a chance of death from the fall. During Brewfest you can get completely smashed and jump into the whirlpool to get  [Almost Blind Luck].

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

During the Battle for Darkshore, the area was taken by the Twilight's Hammer.


Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.


  • Its name may be a reference to the StarCraft II mission of the same name.

Patch changes

External links

es:Fauces del Vórtice