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Image of Kah'teht
Race Nerubian (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Empire of Azjol-Nerub
Occupation Azjol-Nerub emissary to Azj-Kahet
Location Rak-Ahat, Azj-Kahet[75.44, 33.24]
Status Alive

Kah'teht is a nerubian located by some waterfalls at the northern edge of the lake below Rak-Ahat in Azj-Kahet. They are originally from Azjol-Nerub, having been unsuccessfully sent by King Anub'arak to ask for Azj-Kahet's aid in the War of the Spider.

Interacting with Kah'teht and completing their dialogue for the first time grants 85 reputation each with the General, the Vizier, and the Weaver, and is required for  [Khaz Algar Lore Hunter].



You... we finally meet. I have been watching you for some time now. You will have to forgive my manners.

Once I was an emissary to a great king.

It is all in the past. Now, I am simply Kah'teht.

Gossip King?

Yes. Anub'arak, ruler of Azjol-Nerub. He sent me here to ask for aid in a great war we were fighting against an army of the dead.

He was a proud, strong, and mighty king. But... I have heard whispers that he too, fell. That his last days were spent serving the Lich King. All he is now is a horrifying memory.

Gossip What Happened[sic] to you?

When I came before Queen Neferess with Anub'arak's demands, she cast me out and locked me away.

Looking back, I think she knew what she was doing. If she had allowed me to return to Azjol-Nerub, I would surely have been slain for my failure to bring the forces of Azj-Kahet with me.

As far as I know, I am the last living nerubian of Azjol-Nerub. For that, I suppose I owe her my life.

Patch changes

See also

External links