Forgotten Shadecaster
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The Forgotten Shadecaster[58.39, 89.52] is a shadecaster located on a platform high above Deepwalker Pass in Azj-Kahet, looking out over the eastern edge of the Terrace of the Ascended in the City of Threads. It contains a recording of a message by Queen Neferess from during the War of the Spider. Interacting with the shadecaster for the first time grants 85 reputation each with the General, the Vizier, and the Weaver, and is required for [Khaz Algar Lore Hunter].
- Gossip
<The shadecaster is worn down by time. By the looks of it, no one has been here for many years. You see a faint glow from within. It might still be operational.>
<Press the button.>
- A projection of Queen Neferess appears.
- Queen Neferess says: I, Neferess, queen of Azj-Kahet, must unspool my deepest thoughts.
- Queen Neferess says: Three times now, King Anub'arak has demanded our empire intervene in matters to the north. The last diplomat he sent was webbed and dragged to the darkest reaches of my kingdom.
- Queen Neferess says: Azj-Kahet is strong. Its people, stronger still. We could perhaps turn the tide of battle, were I to give the order to intervene.
- Queen Neferess says: Yet, I cannot. I will not lose a single soul to that frozen tundra, far from our webs.
- Queen Neferess says: This army of the dead has passed over Azj-Kahet. We are far too remote, beneath their notice.
- Queen Neferess says: Sending my people to war would bring a fate worse than death to us.
- Queen Neferess says: I will not answer his demands. I know Anub'arak asked for this war. He can finish it, alone.
- The projection disappears.
Patch changes
Patch 11.0.2 (2024-08-13): Added.