Iron Coral (quest)

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AllianceIron Coral
Start Klockmort Spannerspan
End Klockmort Spannerspan
Level 29 (Requires 20)
Category Warrior
Experience 1750
Previous A Warrior [28] Klockmort Spannerspan
Next A Warrior [30] Klockmort's Creation


Bring 20 loads of  [Searing Coral] to Klockmort Spannerspan in Ironforge.


I want to try Furen Longbeard's new techniques on my own piece of armor. And because you helped Furen and he helped me, you're welcome to the armor after I make it!

To finish the piece, I need a special coral, searing coral. It grows in only one place—along the coast south of Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands.

Bring me enough searing coral and I'll get right to work on the armor. And hurry, <name>. I'm so eager to get started it's making my toes twist!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1750 XP (or a 10s 80c compensation at level 80)


Hello hello, <name>! Do you have the searing coral? I can't wait to get to work!


That's the stuff! Well done! Now let me get this smelted and hammered so I can apply Furen's technique with my own and then we can see what happens!

Oh my, oh my! I just know the armor will be very very very tough!


The searing coral is located in the water south of Menethil. Right-click on the coral to pick it up.


  1. A Warrior [20] Yorus Barleybrew (begins in Stormwind, Ironforge, or Darnassus)
  2. A Warrior [22] The Rethban Gauntlet
  3. A Warrior [22] The Shieldsmith
  4. A Warrior [28G] Fire Hardened Mail
  5. A Warrior [28] Furen's Armor
Completing Fire Hardened Mail opens up three additional quest chains:

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