Sunscorched Shells

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AllianceSunscorched Shells
Start Mathiel
End Mathiel
Level 30 (Requires 20)
Category Warrior
Experience 1850
Previous Mathiel
Next A Warrior [30] Mathiel's Armor


Bring 20 Sunscorched Shells to Mathiel in Darnassus.


My colleague, Furen Longbeard, made a discovery which I am eager to test. I wish to try it on a new armor that I am researching, for I believe Furen's techniques will produce superior results.

Will you help me? If you gather what I need to make the armor, then I will make an extra piece for you.

I need the sunscorched egg shells of the Highperch Wyverns who dwell at Highperch, in Thousand Needles. Search for the shells below their nests, and return to me when you have a sufficient amount.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1850 XP (or a 11s 40c compensation at max level)


Do you have the shells, <name>? They are quite strong, and can be rendered into a lacquer I will use to coat the links of my new mail armor.


Ah, thank you. These will work splendidly!

I will begin fashioning the armor immediately...


  1. A Warrior [20] Yorus Barleybrew (begins in Stormwind, Ironforge, or Darnassus)
  2. A Warrior [22] The Rethban Gauntlet
  3. A Warrior [22] The Shieldsmith
  4. A Warrior [28G] Fire Hardened Mail
  5. A Warrior [28] Furen's Armor
Completing Fire Hardened Mail opens up three additional quest chains:

Patch changes

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