Fire Hardened Mail

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AllianceFire Hardened Mail
Start Furen Longbeard
End Furen Longbeard
Level 28 (Requires 20)
Type Group
Category Warrior
Experience 2300
Previous A Warrior [22] The Shieldsmith
Next A Warrior [28] Furen's Armor


Gather the materials Furen Longbeard requires, and bring them to him in Stormwind.


So I gave you a nice shield, but we don't have to stop there. I know the secrets to make extremely hard mail armor. It's not easy and it takes very rare materials, but if you're willing to do the legwork then I'll make a piece for you.

What do you say, <name>? If you're up for the challenge, then I'll give you a list of what to get and where to get them.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2300XP (or a 13s 80c compensation at level 80)


How goes the scavenger hunt, <name>? Do you have the materials?


You got it all? Amazing! I was afraid those chimaeras would eat you up for sure!

Well let's get started on that armor...



  1. A Warrior [20] Yorus Barleybrew (begins in Stormwind, Ironforge, or Darnassus)
  2. A Warrior [22] The Rethban Gauntlet
  3. A Warrior [22] The Shieldsmith
  4. A Warrior [28G] Fire Hardened Mail
  5. A Warrior [28] Furen's Armor
Completing Fire Hardened Mail opens up three additional quest chains:

Patch changes

External links