Howling in the Big Tree Hills

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NeutralHowling in the Big Tree Hills
Start Brena [35.3, 36.9]
End Hanu [34.3, 31.3]
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 9,800
Reputation +200 Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards  [Renewed Proto-Drake: Finned Jaw] and one of:
 [Windswept Leggings]
 [Twisted Leather Breeches]
 [Bramble Chain Breeches]
26g 91s 48c
Previous N [65-68] Catch the Caravan
Next N [65-68] Supplies!, N [65-68] Ill Gnolls with Ill Intent, N [65-68] Leader of the Shadepaw Pack, & N [65-68] Gnoll Way Out


Slay Durgun, Kerwal, and Bakra.


The gnolls that attacked our caravan were led by three lieutenants.

Durgun was flanked by a dozen hyenas.

Kerwal cackled maniacally each time we tried to pursue him and fell for one of his steel-jawed traps.

Bakra taunted us, mercilessly.

To have a hope in recovering what was stolen, they must be slain.


You will receive one of:
Inv cloth dragonquest b 01 pant.png [Windswept Leggings] Inv leather dragonquest b 01 pant.png [Twisted Leather Breeches]
Inv mail dragonquest b 01 pants.png [Bramble Chain Breeches]

You will also receive:


<Hanu stares at you intently.>


Good, you did what I could not.

But there is another gnoll leading the Shadepaw... more terrifying than the three you encountered.


On accept of all three:

Brena says: Be on your guard. There's nothing so cunning and cruel as a Shadepaw gnoll.
Elder Poa says: Troll? There are no trolls here!
Brena says: Err... of course, Elder.

Hyenamaster Durgun is immediately to the north at a campfire alongside Lela and Lulu, her dancing hyenas:

Hyenamaster Durgun says: Release hyenas!
Hyenamaster Durgun says: Need... more hyenas...

Trap-Layer Kerwal is inside a cave to the north:

Trap-Layer Kerwal says: Trip you, trap you!
Trap-Layer Kerwal says: Watch your... step...

Bakra the Bully is at the western end of the quest area, taking potshots at two near-dead Shadepaw Bandits:

Bakra the Bully says: Tusked ones suffer. Now YOU suffer!
Bakra the Bully says: Bakra... had her fun...

On completion of all three, Brena and Elder Poa run up:

Hanu says: Brena! You came...
Brena says: I see you've been busy.
Hanu says: Norukk and the others... they're in the den.
Hanu says: Kargpaw is in there... and all these sickly gnolls!
Elder Poa says: Slow down, Hanu!
Brena says: Tell me everything.


  1. N [65-68] Ask the Locals
  2. N [65-68] Catch the Caravan
  3. N [65-68] Howling in the Big Tree Hills, N [65-68] Snap the Traps, & N [65-68] Those Aren't for Chewing
  4. N [65-68] Supplies!, N [65-68] Ill Gnolls with Ill Intent, N [65-68] Leader of the Shadepaw Pack, & N [65-68] Gnoll Way Out
  5. N [65-68] Spreading Decay
  6. N [65-68] Another Ambush
  7. N [65-68] Urgent Action Required

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