Gnoll Way Out

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NeutralGnoll Way Out
Start Hanu [34.4, 31.1]
End Hanu [34.4, 31.1]
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 9,800
Reputation +200 Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Previous N [65-68] Snap the Traps, N [65-68] Howling in the Big Tree Hills, and N [65-68] Those Aren't for Chewing
Next N [65-68] Spreading Decay


Rescue Norukk and 3 other captive tuskarr.

  • Tuskarr rescued (3)
  • Norukk rescued [41.4, 64.0]


I've tracked the captured tuskarr, including my husband Norukk, to this cave.

Norukk doesn't always look out for his own hide, so that responsibility falls to me. But I'm not too proud to ask for help.

Please rescue them!


You will receive:


We can't leave our brothers and sisters behind!


<Hanu wrinkles her cheeks and shoots a tusky grin at Norukk.>

I'm beyond relieved that Norukk made it out alive. We will mourn those we lost once we return to Iskaara.


On accept of all four:

Hanu says: I will go with you.
Brena says: No, Hanu! I will not lose you to Kargpaw.
Brena says: Our newfound friend is quite skilled. Trust in <name>.

Tuskarr Prisoners are found in Crude Cages:

  • Tuskarr Prisoner says: Stop this unnatural illness before it's too late...
  • Tuskarr Prisoner says: Must tell Brena... to stop their foul rot!
  • Tuskarr Prisoner says: They are trying to spread this... sickness!

It looks at first glance like Norukk did not make it, but after interacting him, it turns out he's good with [Feign Death]!

Norukk says: Ah! You saw right through my feign death. I learned it by studying the local vorquin...
Norukk says: I'll make my escape, like a slippery ottuk. My eternal thanks for the timely rescue!

Upon return, the three Rescued Tuskarr and Norukk have made it out to the three questgivers.


  1. N [65-68] Ask the Locals
  2. N [65-68] Catch the Caravan
  3. N [65-68] Howling in the Big Tree Hills, N [65-68] Snap the Traps, & N [65-68] Those Aren't for Chewing
  4. N [65-68] Supplies!, N [65-68] Ill Gnolls with Ill Intent, N [65-68] Leader of the Shadepaw Pack, & N [65-68] Gnoll Way Out
  5. N [65-68] Spreading Decay
  6. N [65-68] Another Ambush
  7. N [65-68] Urgent Action Required

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