Helping Hand and Claw

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NeutralHelping Hand and Claw
Start Scalecommander Viridia [34.6, 57.7]
End Pathfinder Tacha [37.2, 79.1]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category The Forbidden Reach
Experience 9,500
Reputation +250 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 28g 9s
Previous N [70] Wings of Mercy, N [70] Stemming the Irontide, N [70] An Eclectic Accord
Next N [70] Exploring Our Past
Wulferd and Jeb

Helping Hand and Claw begins the Zskera Vaults unlock quests in the Forbidden Reach.


Aid Jeb, Tacha, and Wulferd at the Sharpscale Coast.


Members of the Dragonscale Expedition traveled here to help explore ruins on this island. Their efforts may help us uncover more details about our past.

My scouts have spotted three of them shipwrecked on Sharpscale Coast. See if you can help them reach the village safely.


You will obtain:


Is it safe to travel to Morqut Village?


With your help, Jeb and I are safe. And our supplies are safe, too!

A tuskarr fisherman has agreed to give us a lift to Morqut Village. We hope to see you there soon.


Scattered Supplies and Wulferd

Approach Wulferd and Jeb due south on the Sharpscale Coast of the mainland:

Pathfinder Jeb says: Well, we finally found the one situation I didn't prepare for.
Pathfinder Tacha says: Next time, I'm driving the boat...
Cataloger Wulferd says: This is most embarrassing for both of you, but it makes for great photographs!
Cataloger Wulferd says: Now struggle more! These photos must show the dangers of the Forbidden Reach!
Cataloger Wulferd says: What a great picture!
Cataloger Wulferd says: Hold still! One more picture!

Tacha's trapped under some shipwreck debris:

Cataloger Wulferd says: A brave hero saves the day!
Pathfinder Tacha says: Giant boat eating crabs! I'll take the safe sands of Vol'dun any day.

Jeb's in the water, caught in seaweed:

Pathfinder Jeb says: I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone.

Then collect six floating barrels and sunken crates of  [Scattered Supplies] just offshore.

Before finishing the quest, defeat Karkinus the Capsizer to the south for the bonus objective N [70B] Capsize a Crab for some bonus gold and reputation:

Cataloger Wulferd says: <Name> defeats the monstrosity that destroyed our boat. A great photo!

On complete:

Pathfinder Tacha says: We should be fine from here. Meet you at Morqut Village.
All three run off to the north, disappearing in the distance.

Return to the village where Viridia offers the next quest, N [70] Exploring Our Past.


  1. N [70] Helping Hand and Claw
  2. N [70] Exploring Our Past
  3. N [70] Zskera Vault: Az
  4. N [70] The Scary Vault of Ur
  5. N [70] Zskera Vault: Ix
  6. N [70] Zskera Vault: Kx
  7. N [70] More Doors To Open

Patch changes

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