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Wulferd Fizzbracket

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AllianceWulferd Fizzbracket
Image of Wulferd Fizzbracket
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Fizzsprings Resort, Tiragarde Sound
Status Alive
Relative(s) Biri Fizzbracket

Wulferd Fizzbracket is a gnome located in Fizzsprings Resort in Tiragarde Sound.

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As Cataloger Wulferd, he appeared in the Trade District in Stormwind City, in attendance with Cataloguing Enthusiast and an Intrigued Dracthyr. After being recruited into the Dragonscale Expedition by the adventurer, he moved to Stormwind Harbor where he was seen trying to take a photo of a seagull from the pier. He is later seen in the Waking Shores.

After Fyrakk's death, Wulferd and Coralie came to Lilac Ramble to take the first pictures of the newly bloomed Amirdrassil.[1] He then attended the gathering on the World Tree.[2]


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Objective of


Main article: The Beauty of Marketing#Notes


Fizzsprings Resort, Tiragarde Sound

Give me a few months, and I'll have this place whipped up into a six star resort in no time!

Trade District

No quill? No ink?

<The gnome shakes his head.>

How do you expect me to sign an autograph if you don't come prepared?

Stormwind Harbor

So many wondrous creatures! Fish! Birds! Oh, look up there! In the sky! It's a...

Yuck! Not again! Why do they always do that right when I look up?

Dampen a cloth in that beautiful ocean water, would you?

Wild Coast

When will the rest of our luggage arrive?

I could only shove so much film in my pockets and as I always say...

If I can't take pictures of it, it doesn't matter!


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