Separating the Yolk

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NeutralSeparating the Yolk
Start Harleen Chirpsnide
End Harleen Chirpsnide
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 8,200
Reputation +250 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 27g 62s
Previous N [68-70] Plucking Parts, N [68-70] A Roc-ing Appetite, N [68-70] Explosive Excrement
Next N [68-70] Screechflight Potluck


Collect 20 Bluefeather Eggs.


I've deciphered the scroll and, surprise, it's bad news!

The Screechflight aren't just eating the Bluefeathers for sustenance. Turns out they've found a spell or two that transfers the rocs' innate strength to themselves upon consumption. Especially the eggs!

Save as many of those roc eggs as you can down the cliffs from here. It'll stall the harpies long enough to put my plan into motion.

And watch out for rogue elementals. The Cursewives' spell work has stirred them up!


You will receive:


Saving these eggs from the harpies is key to protecting these Bluefeathers from any further endangerment. As well as any future prey they plan on consuming next.


This is more than I imagined you'd be able to recover!

Maybe you're not a bad sort after all. Not that I was thinking that or anything!


Head to the eastern part of the cliffs and loot the egg items from Bluefeather Roc Eggs, which are being corrupted by Screechflight Cursewives.

Once collected, proceed further east to turn in the quest.

Segallia says: Hey, <name>! Down here! Just cannibalizing a mechanical chicken corpse!


  1. N [68-70] Lost to the Skies / N [68-70] Out of the Blue (mutual breadcrumbs)
  2. N [68-70] Flying Rocs & N [68-70] Smash 'Em to Feathereens
  3. N [68-70] Plucking Parts, N [68-70] A Roc-ing Appetite, N [68-70] Explosive Excrement & N [68-70] Rolling in the Screech
  4. N [68-70] A Nest of Our Own, N [68-70] It's Plucking Time & N [68-70] Separating the Yolk
  5. N [68-70] Screechflight Potluck
  6. N [68-70] The Awaited Egg-splosion

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