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General Emmerich

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NeutralGeneral Emmerich
Image of General Emmerich
General Emmerich played by Burkhalt
Gender Male
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Earthen
Occupation General
Location Proscenium, Isle of Dorn

General Emmerich is an earthen character in "The Rivals", a play performed by the theater group at the Proscenium on the Isle of Dorn. According to the play he was once one of Dornic's top generals, alongside General Ottomar, their two companies being the fiercest in Khaz Algar. When Dornic decided he only needed one general he told his generals to decide among themselves who would be decommissioned. The generals fought among each other till only Emmerich and Ottomar were left. While Emmerich was stronger than Ottomar physically, Ottomar had the advantage when it came to leadership and the loyalty of his troops and so in the end Emmerich lost.[1]


  • Ability warrior battleshout.png Bellowing Roar — Unleashes a commanding roar, inflicting Physical damage to nearby players and reducing their attack and casting speed by 15% for 10 sec.


Main article: Theater Troupe#The Rivals

Patch changes


External links