Flying Guide to Lunar Festival Elders

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This is a guide to collecting Coins of Ancestry for those with the [Flight Master's License]. It covers all Elders found in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, including those in dungeons and capital cities. For Northrend Elders, see Flying Guide to Northrend Lunar Festival Elders.


This table contains directions to all of the elders in Kalimdor, including those in the capital cities and dungeons. Your hearthstone may be set to Orgrimmar or Stormwind. At the end of the Kalimdor tour, you will be in Silithus. The Eastern Kingdoms guide picks up in Booty Bay.

We begin in Moonglade. Use your invitation to go there if necessary. Head west to Elder Starweave in Lor'danel.

Elder Zone Coords Description Direction to next Elder
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Starweave Darkshore [49.5, 19.0] Just west of Lor'danel Northwest. Use the teleporter in Rut'theran Village.
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Bladeswift Darnassus [39.2, 31.9] Center of the Cenarion Enclave East
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Bladeleaf Teldrassil [57, 53] South edge of Dolanaar West to the teleporter in Darnassus, then southeast.
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Nightwind Felwood [38.3, 52.8] East of Bloodvenom Post South
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Riversong Ashenvale [35.6, 48.9] NW edge of Astranaar Northeast
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Windsong Mt. Hyjal [26.7, 62.1] Sanctuary of Malorne Northeast
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Evershade Mt. Hyjal [62.5, 22.8] Nordrassil Northeast
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Brightspear Winterspring [53.2, 56.8] South Eastern edge of Lake Kel'Theril East
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Stonespire Winterspring [60.0, 49.9] Center of Everlook South
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Skygleam Azshara [64.7, 79.3] Between the legs of Ravencrest Monument, SE Azshara West
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Darkhorn Orgrimmar [52.3, 60.0] Valley of Wisdom South
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Runetotem Durotar [53.2, 43.6] SE edge of Razor Hill Southwest
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Windtotem Northern Barrens [68.4, 70.0] In Ratchet, outside the Engineering building north of the bank Northwest
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Moonwarden Northern Barrens [48.5, 59.3] Next to Crossroads Wind Rider South
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif High Mountain Southern Barrens [41.5, 47.5] At Vendetta Point in the Southern Barrens Northwest
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Wheathoof Thunder Bluff [73.0, 23.3] Elder Rise South
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Bloodhoof Mulgore [48.5, 53.2] North of Bloodhoof Village, next to the bridge West
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Splitrock Maraudon (Princess) [51.5, 93.7] In the tunnel that leads from Rotgrip towards the Goblin Southeast
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Mistwalker Feralas [62, 31] Inside the Dire Maul PVP arena East
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Grimtotem Feralas [76.7, 37.9] Lariss Pavilion, NE of Camp Mojache East
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Skyseer Thousand Needles [46.4, 50.0] Edge of Freewind Post East
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Morningdew Thousand Needles [77.1, 75.6] Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge South
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Dreamseer Tanaris [51.4, 28.8] Gadgetzan West
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Wildmane Zul'Farrak [34.6, 39.2] SE corner of the room where the gong to summon Gahz'rilla is South
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Ragetotem Tanaris [37.2, 79.1] Valley of the Watchers, outside the Ruins of Uldum West
IconSmall Tol'vir.gif Menkhaf Uldum [65.6, 18.7] East of Khartut's Tomb Northwest
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Thunderhorn Un'Goro Crater [50.4, 76.1] Slithering Scar Southwest
IconSmall Tol'vir.gif Sekhemi Uldum [31.6, 63] Ruins of Ammon Northwest
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Bladesing Silithus [53.0, 35.5] Standing in the moonwell in Cenarion Hold Northwest
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Primestone Silithus [30.8, 13.3] Center of the Crystal Vale, NW Silithus n/a


Eastern Kingdoms

Start in Booty Bay.

Elder Zone Coords Description Direction to next Elder
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Winterhoof Cape of Stranglethorn [39.9, 72.5] Booty Bay (near Horde flight master) Northeast
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Starglade Northern Stranglethorn [71.0, 34.3] Zul'Gurub (outside the entrance) East
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Bellowrage Blasted Lands [54.3, 49.5] Dark Portal (pre-invasion phase, see Zidormi) Northeast
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Starsong Temple of Atal'Hakkar [62.9, 34.5] Sunken Temple (enter the instance and turn left) West
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Skychaser Westfall [56.6, 47.1] Sentinel Hill (on top of the tower) Northeast
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Stormbrow Elwynn Forest [39.8, 63.7] Pond at Goldshire North
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Hammershout Elwynn Forest [34.6, 50.3] Elwynn Forest (just outside Stormwind) East
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Rumblerock Burning Steppes [70.1, 45.4] Dreadmaul Rock Northwest
IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Dawnstrider Burning Steppes [53.6, 24.5] Flame Crest West
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Morndeep Blackrock Depths [50.6, 62.9] Inside the Ring of Law up
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Stonefort Lower Blackrock Spire [61.8, 40.0] At the first of the rope bridges West
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Ironband Searing Gorge [21.3, 79.1] Blackchar Cave North
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Goldwell Dun Morogh [53.9, 49.9] Kharanos North
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Bronzebeard Ironforge [29.2, 17] Mystic Ward East
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Silvervein Loch Modan [33, 46] Thelsamar East
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Firebeard Twilight Highlands [50.9, 70.5] Dunwald Town Square North
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Darkfeather Twilight Highlands [51.9, 33.1] Thundermar Ruins Northwest
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Highpeak Hinterlands [49, 48] Creeping Ruin Northwest
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Moonstrike Western Plaguelands [69.1, 73.4] Caer Darrow (Scholomance), on the roof East
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Windrun Eastern Plaguelands [35.6, 68.8] In Crown Guard Tower, north of Darrowshire East
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Snowcrown Eastern Plaguelands [75, 54] Light's Hope Chapel West
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Farwhisper Stratholme (Live) [78.7, 22.0] North part of Festival Lane (Near The Unforgiven). West
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Meadowrun Western Plaguelands [63.5, 36.1] In the Weeping Cave West
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Graveborn Tirisfal Glades [61.9, 53.9] Brill South
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Darkcore Undercity [67, 38] Upstairs in the throne room Southwest
IconSmall EarthenSouth.gif Obsidian Silverpine Forest [45.0, 41.1] The Sepulcher n/a