Farmer Lok'lub

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HordeFarmer Lok'lub
Image of Farmer Lok'lub
Title <Work Orders>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Occupation Farmer
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Farmer Krella
In Frostwall.

Farmer Lok'lub is an orc located at the Valley of Trials in Durotar.

He is originally from Nagrand on Draenor. He used to test his strength against the beasts.

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Farmer Lok'lub and Farmer Krella are found at Frostwall if the Barn is built. He brings the captured animals back to the garrison.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Valley of Trials, Durotar[47.8, 55.6] 1-30 Alliance Horde
Frostwall 10-40 Horde
Nagrand; Frostfire Ridge; Gorgrond; Shadowmoon Valley 40 Alliance Horde



  • A mighty beast, well done! We will bring it back right away.
  • A mighty kill, you should be quite proud!
  • Ah, the air of Nagrand smells as I remember. Fresh, with a hint of blood!
  • An excellent catch, commander, I will have it taken back to the stronghold.
  • I smelled blood in the air, and was not disappointed!
  • Quite a fine creature, it will surely produce many materials for us.
  • The hide of this beast is like iron! I will sharpen my blades.
  • The smell of this one reminds me of the boar farms in Durotar.
  • Our fortifications here are mighty, but the landscape is savage.
  • After many years in Durotar, it feels good to return home.
  • I have obtained a new pitchfork for this adventure.
  • This is not the Draenor I remember, but I was young, and Nagrand was my home.
  • I am not used to the scent of air so crisp. It is much less boar-flavored.
  • We have come to aid the horde[sic] in any way that we can.

Gossip Can you tell me about trapping beasts?

So you wish to test your strength against the beasts of Draenor? I spent many days, in my youth, doing the same. Take one of the iron traps from the stack behind me, and find a wolf, clefthoof, talbuk, or elekk to pit yourself against.
First, you must wound the creature greatly. Then, lead it into the trap, which will snap shut, capturing the creature.
Bring the trapped creature back to us, and we will turn it into materials. The creature you choose to hunt will determine what we will gain: the talbuk and wolves have the thickest furs, while the clefthoof and elekks have sturdy hides of leather.

Gossip What's new with the improved iron trap?

We have managed to create a trap that closes more tightly than the last. With this improved iron trap, you will be able to bring down the mighty boar and riverbeast.
Boar and riverbeast meat are thick and tasty. We can make them into the perfect meal.

Gossip What about the deadly iron trap?

Our elders once spoke of the most ancient and powerful beasts on the western plains of Nagrand. We now have a trap with jaws that can rival any war wolf. Should you manage to bring down one of these beasts, the furs, meats, and leathers will last us for some time.


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