Zandalar Predator's Mantle

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Zandalar Predator's Mantle is a quest reward from N [60R] Paragons of Power: The Predator's Mantle.

In retail, its appearance can be learned from  [Ensemble: Zandalar Predator].

Patch changes

  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed.
  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Intellect, Mana per 5, and Attack Power replaced with Crit and Hit.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): All items that provide "X mana per five seconds" have had the amount of mana they regenerate increased by approximately 25%.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22): Now Unique.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05):
    • Items that give bonuses, such as hit percentage, have been modified to adhere to a combat rating system.
    • Some Agility replaced with Attack Power.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13): Added.

Other versions

External links