Zandalarian Shadow Talisman (3)

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NeutralZandalarian Shadow Talisman
Start Falthir the Sightless
End Falthir the Sightless
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Raid
Category Zul'Gurub
Experience 9550 EXP (or 57s at level 80)
Rewards  [Zandalarian Shadow Talisman]


I sense that you have dealt countless fatalities to the Hakkari, <name>. You carry the stink of their mojo.

I assume the Shadow talisman has assisted in the culling? Give it to me and allow me to enhance its power.


An assassin of your caliber should be given a wide berth. Your foes must learn respect! You will get just that when the enemy sees the glint of Death's Hand - all too late...


You receive
Inv jewelry necklace 25.png [Zandalarian Shadow Talisman]


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9550 XP (or 57s at level 80)

Patch changes

External links