Elder Cassaphine

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NeutralElder Cassaphine
Image of Elder Cassaphine
Title Sister of the Grove,
Sister of the Flame,
Flame Elder[1]
Gender Female
Race Dryad (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Druids of the Flame
Former affiliation(s) Dream Wardens
Location Barrows of Reverie, Fields of Reverie & Firebreach, Emerald Dream[66.7, 44.8]
Status Deceased (lore)
Empowered by flame.

Elder Cassaphine was a powerful dryad[1] and a friend of Merithra.[2][3] During the Primalists' attack on the Emerald Dream, Cenarius sent an adventurer to the Barrows of Reverie to rally Cassaphine against Fyrakk's forces. Soon, the enemies attached the Fields of Reverie, and Cassaphine seemingly went to face them.[2] Cenarius briefly saw her as she went to fight, but sent the adventurer to check upon her. Being drawn to a prophecy of flame,[4] The adventurer witnessed the dryad being converted by Ashendir Hartwood and infused with fire to become a flame dryad.[1] She then left with Ashendir via a flame portal,[5] and Merithra resolved to stop her.[6] To that end, she sent the adventurer and Tyrande Whisperwind to kill her, and the High Priestess' forces found her at the Firebreach near Amirdrassil. She had killed several soldiers in the area and was maintaining a portal when Tyrande and the adventurer attacked and killed her.[3]


  • Spell fire flameblades.png Burning Strike — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.
  • Spell fire playingwithfire.png Fire Faeries — Cover a target in fire faeries, increasing their vulnerability to Fire damage for 14 sec. While affected, the target cannot use stealth or invisibility.
  • Spell fire fireball02.png Fireburst — Inflicts 2 Fire damage to all enemies within 3 yards of the impact every 2 sec for 10 sec.
  • Ability rhyolith magmaflow wave.png Heat Wave — The caster sends out a blistering wave of heat, knocking back all enemies in a frontal cone within 15 yards and inflicting 20 Fire damage.

Objective of


Main article: Wild Gods in Our Midst#Notes
Main article: The Face of Our Enemies#Notes
Main article: Lost to the Flame#Notes

Patch changes


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