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Image of Effervesta
Title <Lady Redolence>
Gender Female
Race Niffen (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Loamm Niffen, Dream Wardens
Location Loamm, Zaralek Cavern
Status Alive

Effervesta is a niffen located in Loamm in Zaralek Cavern. She is found in a cave with Nevroll and his two Nevroll's Drogbar.

Later, she appeared in the Emerald Dream. She also attended the gathering in Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles after Fyrakk's death.



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I'm Effie!

Gossip Why do you send shipments of swallow nests to Glimmerogg?

Oh, well that's because the drogbar of Glimmerogg love to eat swallow nests! I'm not quite sure why--they don't even have a smell--but the drogbar just love them!
The drogbar are also very protective of Zaralek Cavern's snail population. Snail slime is the base ingredient for our incense, and when we first settled in Loamm, the drogbar wouldn't let us touch them!
Even worse, they started trying to steal our pet swallows!
So my mom came up with a trade agreement. We send them some of our swallow nests, and they allow us access to Zaralek's snails!
We had never missed a shipment until today...

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