Old Friends, Dear Friends

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NeutralOld Friends, Dear Friends
Start Myrrit [54.6, 54.4]
End Myrrit [54.6, 54.4]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Zaralek Cavern
Experience 2,400
Reputation +125 Loamm Niffen
Rewards 7g 2s 25c
Previous N [70] The Heavy Crown

Old Friends, Dear Friends concludes the "A Swallow's Tale" optional storyline of the Embers of Neltharion campaign.


Help Myrrit talk to Effervesta.

  • Talk to Effervesta
  • Myrrit encouraged


I don't want to give up on my best friend, but what if she doesn't want to be friends anymore?

We've been dig buddies since we were tiny pups. Maybe it matters to me more than it does to her.

What do I even say?


You will receive:


Why is this conversation so difficult?


I think I'm okay now, <name>.

We can still be best friends even if we don't do digs anymore. And I have new friends like you to dig with.

I'm glad I got this off my chest.


Speak with Effervesta:

Myrrit seems really upset. What's going on?
Gossip (Quest) Myrrit is having trouble telling you what's wrong because he's afraid of how you'll react.
Effervesta says: Is that true? Are you afraid to talk to me, Myrrit?
Myrrit says: I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing, that's all...
Effervesta says: This doesn't sound like it's nothing! What's going on?

Effervesta has new gossip:

You're doing a great thing helping Myrrit, <name>.

Then speak with Myrrit:

...how do I begin, <name>?
Gossip (Quest) <Encourage Myrrit to be truthful about how he feels.>
Myrrit says: You're my best friend. I miss you.
Effervesta says: I know--I'm sorry, Myrrit. I just have responsibilities now.
Effervesta says: We're forever buddies, even if we can't dig together anymore.

On complete:

Effervesta says: Let's find something else we can do together. <name> being your new dig buddy doesn't make us any less of friends!
Myrrit says: I'd love that, Effie.
Effervesta says: Good! And don't stand in line. You come right up to me. There's always a line, but you're my buddy!
Myrrit says: Okay!
Effervesta says: Everyone! I need a minute with Myrrit...
Timura Nilla says: Effervesta--
Pestering Niffen says: Effervesta! I have a question!
Myrrit yells: EVERYBODY! SHOO!
Pestering Niffen says: Aww...
Pestering Niffen says: Aww...
Pestering Niffen says: Aww...
Marron Glassee says: Aww...
Effervesta says: Ha! That did it, at least for a few minutes. Thanks, Myrrit. You've always looked out for me.
Timura Nilla says: Aww...
Myrrit says: Any time, Effie!
Timura Nilla says: But, about my hat...
Effervesta says: I want to hear about one of your adventures, Myrrit. Did you find and good smelly things?
Myrrit says: The smelliest!
Myrrit says: Oh, you reminded me. I have a stinky dig planned with <name>. I need to prepare!
Effervesta says: Exciting! Tell me about it tomorrow!
Myrrit says: I will! Bye Effie!

Effervesta has new gossip:

Gossip Why do you send shipments of swallow nests to Glimmerogg?
Oh, well that's because the drogbar of Glimmerogg love to eat swallow nests! I'm not quite sure why--they don't even have a smell--but the drogbar just love them!
The drogbar are also very protective of Zaralek Cavern's snail population. Snail slime is the base ingredient for our incense, and when we first settled in Loamm, the drogbar wouldn't let us touch them!
Even worse, they started trying to steal our pet swallows!
So my mom came up with a trade agreement. We send them some of our swallow nests, and they allow us access to Zaralek's snails!
We had never missed a shipment until today...

As does Myrrit:

Gossip How are things with Effervesta lately?
It isn't the same--but that doesn't mean it's bad.
I visit Effervesta often. I bring her snacks sometimes, and make sure she gets to take breaks. Those other niffen get so pesky!
We don't go digging, but we do get to talk. I tell her all about our adventures, <name>. She looks... sad sometimes. But she always asks to hear more. It's fun to laugh with her!
Sometimes we just talk about old times, too.
It's nice to have my friend back, even if we're on different paths now.
Gossip That's great, Myrrit!


  1. N [70] A Swallow's Tale
  2. N [70] Flown the Coop & N [70] A Bitter Pill to Swallow
  3. N [70] Expedition Effervesta
  4. N [70] Suss Out the Imposter
  5. N [70] Best Friends
  6. N [70] The Heavy Crown
  7. N [70] Old Friends, Dear Friends

Patch changes

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