Dreambreaker Flametongue

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MobDreambreaker Flametongue
Image of Dreambreaker Flametongue
Gender Both
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Primalists
Location Scorching Chasm, Emerald Dream
Status Killable

Dreambreaker Flametongues are blood elves located at the Scorching Chasm in the Emerald Dream. Some can be swayed to side with Vyranoth during the quest N [70] Primalist Directive. Some are followed by Dreambreaker Wildfires.


  • Spell fire fireball02.png Primal Fire — Inflicts 3195 Fire damage to an enemy every 2 sec for 4 sec.

Objective of


  • Harming the Dream was a step too far.
  • I'm loyal to Terro. And Terro was loyal to Vyranoth.
  • If Fyrakk turns the world to fire, where am I supposed to live?
  • Terro wanted us to stand with Vyranoth.
  • Fyrakk didn't abandon us!
  • Fyrakk will prevail!
  • Fyrakk won't rest until the Wellspring burns! Why try to resist?
  • I'd rather die than side with the titans!
  • I'd rather die!
  • I'll never side with the titans!
  • If we don't follow through now, everything up to this point will be in vain.
  • Vyranoth has a lot of nerve preaching to us about loyalty.
  • Vyranoth talks too much about how things SHOULD be done. Fyrakk just does it!
  • You're nothing compared to the power of the elements!

Patch changes

External links