Diplomacy First

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NeutralDiplomacy First
Start Maruut Stonebinder [49.6, 53.0]
End Stormcaller Mylra
Level 30-35
Category Deepholm
Experience 17450
Reputation +75 Earthen Ring
Rewards 4g 10s
Previous N [30-35] Elemental Energy, N [30-35] The Earth Claims All, Captain's Log
Next N [30-35] All Our Friends Are Dead, N [30-35] The Admiral's Cabin


Meet Stormcaller Mylra aboard the Alliance Gunship.


The Earthen Ring is a neutral organization, <name>. We cannot pick sides between the Horde and the Alliance.

Look all around you—our members come from all backgrounds. Our mission would be compromised should racial tensions be put above our goal. Let's try to keep this under wraps until we have more information.

We must not jump to conclusions just yet. I'll send you and one of our newer members to look for the Alliance gunship.

Find out what you can without dragging us into the conflict.


You will receive: 4g 10s


Oi, <name>! I was told I'd have company soon.


The ship is circling east of the temple. Mylra is astern on the poop deck. The Alliance crew appears to have been slain, but by whom?

If you aren't offered this quest, you must complete the pre-requisite quest N [30-35] Captain's Log. This situation may arise if you are in a group when inspecting the Storm's Fury Wreckage for N [30-35] Gunship Down if you don't enter that section of the airship, as the quest marker doesn't appear on the minimap.


Optional breadcrumbs:

  1. N [30-35] The Maelstrom
  2. N [30-35] Deepholm, Realm of Earth
  3. Complete all of:
  4. N [30-35] Diplomacy First
  5. Complete all of:
  6. N [30-35] Take No Prisoners / N [30-35] On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner
  7. N [30-35] Some Spraining to Do
  8. N [30-35] Return to the Temple of Earth
  9. N [30-35] Deathwing's Fall
  10. N [30-35] Bleed the Bloodshaper
  11. N [30-35] Question the Slaves
  12. N [30-35] The Forgemaster's Log
  13. N [30-35] Silvermarsh Rendezvous
  14. N [30-35] Quicksilver Submersion
  15. N [30-35] The Twilight Overlook
  16. N [30-35] Big Game, Big Bait / N [30-35] To Catch a Dragon
  17. N [30-35] Testing the Trap
  18. N [30-35] Abyssion's Minions / N [30-35] Block the Gates
  19. N [30-35] The World Pillar Fragment

Patch changes

External links