Derill Fayn

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NeutralDerill Fayn
Image of Derill Fayn
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Dunelle's Kindness, Hallowfall[68.07, 44.23]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Lerrenai (wife)

Derill Fayn is an Arathi quest giver located in Dunelle's Kindness in Hallowfall, next to his wife Lerrenai. He is more suspicious of outsiders than his spouse and demands that they prove their good intentions by bringing salamanther hearts from Rumshackle.[1] For races and classes who use dark magic, this is still not enough and he additionally asks them to help him kill the Coalesced Iniquity before he trusts them.[2]


To undead, void elves, death knights, demon hunters, Shadow priests, and warlocks, he offers a follow-up quest:


Main article: Prove One's Mettle#Notes
Initial gossip


I'm keeping my eye on you, outsider.

After completing N [75-78] Suspicious Minds (most races and classes) or N [75-78] Prove One's Mettle (undead, void elves, death knights, demon hunters, Shadow priests, and warlocks)

I will tell the others that you can be trusted. Thank you for your help.

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [75-78] Suspicious Minds
  2. ^ N [75-78] Prove One's Mettle

External links

Dunelle's Kindness Rumshackle