Death to Hivelord Ik'rix!

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AllianceDeath to Hivelord Ik'rix!
Start Renzik "The Shiv"
End Bodrick Grey
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Daily Group (3)
Category Garrison Support
Rewards 81g 64s
Repeatable Yes
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40G3 Daily] Death to Hivelord Ik'rix!.


Retrieve the Iceshatter Carapace from Hivelord Ik'rix at Southwind Cliffs in Frostfire Ridge.

Suggested players: 3


We've got a radical new idea to try using ice ravager carapaces in our tempering process for armor and weapons. It's the sort of trailblazing work we strive for, commander!

Only problem is, ravagers apparently aren't keen on our guys and gals taking their carapaces off of them. There's this particular ravager at the Southwind Cliffs in Frostfire Ridge called Hivelord Ik'rix - if you could take him down we wouldn't need more for weeks!


You will receive: 81g 62s


Yes, commander?


Thank you, commander. We will get to work on this right away!

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