Garrison Support
Garrison Support are missions granted to commanders with a level 3 garrison and are granted two at a time. However only one of these garrison support missions can be completed completed each day. These assault missions take place across Draenor and reward a large number of Apexis Crystals. Solo-category quests grant 800 while group-category quests grant 1000
As of Patch 6.0 these quests are quite popular and at prime time many people want to do them. It is quite easy to use the Premade Groups tool to join or create a team to work on the quest. It is not unusual to end up in a 40-man riotous herd mowing down enemies like weeds in a plaza, carpeted in the corpses of hapless mobs.
Often times the hardest task is making your way from the outskirts of the quest area to the active mosh pit, since some quests take place in areas infested by mob groups which are difficult or impossible for a solo player to vanquish. When staring down a particularly difficult pack it is sometimes best to wait for another new raid recruit or three to join you and then move toward the main mosh pit as a team.
List of quests
[40 Daily] Assault on Darktide Roost 800
[40 Daily] Assault on Lost Veil Anzu 800
[40 Daily] Assault on Magnarok 800
[40 Daily] Assault on Mok'gol Watchpost 800
[40 Daily] Assault on Pillars of Fate 800
[40 Daily] Assault on Shattrath Harbor 800
[40 Daily] Assault on Skettis 800
[40 Daily] Assault on Socrethar's Rise 800
[40 Daily] Assault on Stonefury Cliffs 800
[40 Daily] Assault on the Broken Precipice 800
[40 Daily] Assault on the Everbloom Wilds 800
[40 Daily] Assault on the Iron Siegeworks 800
[40G3 Daily] Assault on the Heart of Shattrath 1000
[40G3 Daily] Assault on the Pit 1000
[40P Daily] Battle in Ashran 1000
[40 Daily] Assault on Ironhold Harbor
[40] Assault on the Fel Forge
[40 Daily] Assault on the Gorian Proving Grounds
[40 Daily] Assault on the Ruins of Kra'nak
[40 Daily] Assault on the Temple of Sha'naar
[40 Daily] Assault on the Throne of Kil'jaeden
[10-40] "Spare" Parts
[10-40] A Bit of Ore
[10-40] A Call for Huntsman
[10-40] A Mysterious Satchel
[10-40] A Power Lost
[10-40] A Warrior's Shroud
[1-80] Alchemy Experiment
[10-40] Ameeka, Master Tailor
[40] An Ogre Without His Sword...
[10-40] Avenge and Reclaim
[40 Daily] Battle At The Iron Front
[10-40] Big Frostfire Gun
[10-40] Bigger is Better
Beta quests
- Story
[100] They Have My Son
[100] Smash Blon'sky!
[90] Rosa is bad
[90] Profession Quest
[91] We Require More Resources
[90] Moving On Up
[90] A Father and His Son
- Professions
[90] Your Second Alchemy Work Order
[90] Your Second Blacksmithing Work Order
[90] Your Second Enchanting Work Order
[90] Your Second Engineering Work Order
[90] Your Second Inscription Work Order
[90] Your Second Jewelcrafting Work Order
[90] Your Second Leatherworking Work Order
[90] Your Second Tailoring Work Order