Daggerfen tribe

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NeutralDaggerfen tribe
Daggerfen tribe.jpg
Daggerfen Lost Ones living in their village
Main leader IconSmall LostOne.gif Chieftain Mummaki
Race(s) IconSmall LostOne.gif Lost Ones
Base of operations Daggerfen Village
Theater of operations Zangarmarsh

The Daggerfen tribe is one of three Lost One tribes in Zangarmarsh. They are led by Chieftain Mummaki[1] and are highly specialized in assassination.[2]


The Daggerfen make potent poison of the  [Ragveil] herb. Timothy Daniels is investigating the poison.[2]

The tribe send brutal attacks against Zabra'jin[3] and Orebor Harborage,[4] they have killed numerous scouts and messengers of the Horde,[3] Kurenai, and draenei.[4] For that reason the Horde and Alliance advise to avoid the Daggerfen Village.[1] They seek control over the other Lost Ones of Zangarmarsh, and plan to control the roads.[5] The uncorrupted draenei and the Kurenai are trying to redeem all the Lost Ones but the Daggerfen have gone too far, for they dabble in poisons and deceit and are beyond redemption by anyone's standards.[6]

Shadow Hunter Denjai put a wanted poster of their leader Chieftain Mummaki, who was such a nuisance that if nobody went to hunt him down Denjai planned to go personally.[4] Ikuti also put a wanted poster, and while many Alliance people went to claim the bounty none had returned.[3]

Witch Doctor Tor'gash brought murlocs to Outland and was looking for someone who could send the Baby Murlocs to the Daggerfen tribe. The Daggerfen, however, feared these murlocs.[7]


The Daggerfen are a highly organized tribe, and of the three tribes of Lost Ones in Zangarmarsh, they are the most cunning and most aggressive.[5] They are a foul and degenerate people, continually making brutal attacks against the Horde and Alliance. They act like a band of assassins,[1] and use arts that come unnaturally to the draenei.[6] The only way they understand something is with swift and brutal actions.[5] They may also be good leatherworkers, as leather clothes bearing their tribe's name can be found throughout the area.[8]



Name Role Status Location
MobIconSmall LostOne.gif Mummaki Chieftain Alive Daggerfen Village, Zangarmarsh

