Daggerfen Deviance

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AllianceDaggerfen Deviance
Start Ikuti
End Ikuti
Level 10-30
Category Zangarmarsh
Experience 10750
Reputation Kurenai +500
Rewards 3g 10s


Slay 3 Daggerfen Assassins and 15 Daggerfen Muckdwellers.


The Kurenai and the draenei don't always see eye to eye, particularly on the issue of the Lost Ones. We are content to help the Lost Ones who seek us out, but we won't pursue them. Some draenei are intent on 'redeeming' them all.

However, there are times when even the Lost Ones go too far, such as the Daggerfen. In their village to the west, they dabble in poisons and deceit, arts that come unnaturally to us.

We must put an end to this before the vile Daggerfen can extend their influence.


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Have you seen what the Daggerfen have done? Now you understand why we must isolate them from the other Lost Ones.


You have done well, <name>. The Daggerfen are beyond redemption by anyone's standards, but I'm not certain that the draenei would've acted with the proper speed in this situation.

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