Church (Warcraft II)

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For lore about churches, see Church.
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.
Race Human
Faction Alliance
Hit Points 700
Armor 20
Sight 3
Gold 900 Gold
Lumber 500 Lumber
Build time 175 seconds

Churches are places of worship where the citizens of Lordaeron seek spiritual enlightenment. Once led by devout Clerics, Churches now depend on Paladins to minister to the masses in this time of war. It is in these places for healing and serenity that the holy warriors gather to deepen their faith. Through meditating, communing and tithing at these sanctified sites, Paladins discover new ways to channel their healing and spiritual powers.[1]


  • The Church allows you to upgrade Knights to Paladins and research their spells.


Upgrades available

Upgrade Knights to Paladins
SmGoldWC2.gif 1000 1000 2000
Upgrade time 250 seconds 200 seconds 200 seconds


  • Paladins will automatically gain the Holy Vision spell once "Upgrade Knights to Paladins" is researched. However, they will not get the spell if placed directly on the map using a third-party editor (they cannot be placed on the map using the editor provided with the game).
  • In scenarios where you control both Alliance and Horde units, upgrading Knights to Paladins will also upgrade Ogres to Ogre-Mages and give them the Eye of Kilrogg spell. Researching Healing or Exorcism will not grant them the equivalent Horde spell (Bloodlust/Runes), however.
  • The heroes Uther Lightbringer and Turalyon will also gain any spells researched here. Lothar will gain the spells too, but he cannot cast them because he lacks a mana bar. Dentarg will gain Eye of Kilrogg when you upgrade Knights to Paladins.

See also
